If you would like to use the online assessment and evaluation systems from PGME including POWER and Elentra for your AFC trainee assessments, as well as supervisor and learner experience evaluations contact PGME at pgme.accreditation@utoronto.ca to start the process outlined in the steps below:
STEP 1. AFC Program to contact PGME at pgme.accreditation@utoronto.ca to request a consultation meeting for the onboarding of assessment tools to an online platform
STEP 2. PGME reviews tools to ensure they meet the accreditation standards and to confirm that the tools are in alignment with system requirements. Required edits are made by program
STEP 3. Work begins on a draft onboarding plan to be reviewed at a strategy meeting with the AFC Program and PGME
Plan is reviewed by AFC program and revise any documentation as needed or recommended by the PGME teams
Revisions to the onboarding plan and timelines as needed
STEP 4. Once approved, implementation of onboarding to POWER and/or Elentra will begin
STEP 5. When onboarding to Elentra or POWER, training dates for faculty and trainees will be organized by PGME and the program to ensure launch preparedness as needed
STEP 6. After the launch date, PGME will provide ongoing support to the AFC program throughout implementation
**This process can take approximately 4 to 12 months