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- Awards open to PGME Trainees & Graduate Students
- Postgraduate Research Award
Postgraduate Research Award
To provide financial assistance to postgraduate trainees engaged in medical research.
Key Guidelines for the PGME Research Awards
Most awards are for Postgraduate Trainees (MDs) registered with the University of Toronto PGME office. Awards will range from $500 to $12,500.
A small number of awards are for graduate students who are conducting medical research and are registered with the University of Toronto, School of Graduate Studies. Awards will range from $50 to $1,300.
All applications will be reviewed and the top ranked applicants are assigned funding according to the terms and conditions of the award. The following is a list of awards available:
- Chisholm Memorial Fellowship
- Edie Steinberg Scholarship Fund
- Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine
- Elizabeth Arbuthnot Dyson Fellowship
- Ellen Epstein Rykov Memorial Prize
- Heidi Sternbach Scholarship
- Javenthey Soobiah Scholarship
- Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund
- Miriam Neveren Memorial Award
- Nellie L. Farthing Fellowship
- Starr Medals
- Timeposters Fellowship
- William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship
- William Cron & Jean Harris Memorial Fellowship
The research funding awarded from this competition is for future research, to be completed in the following academic year (July 1 to June 30). Funds (prize money) will be paid in 12 equal monthly instalments, with the first payment commencing in December. All applicants will be notified of the results.
Applicants complete and submit one application only and are not required to apply for a particular award.
Apply for PGME Research Awards 2024
Applicants must be supported by their Supervisor and Chair where they will be conducting their research.
Required documents
- A ONE PAGE research proposal
- Three academic reference letters (including one from the proposed research supervisor). Reference letters must be uploaded by the applicant via the online application form.
- Completed signature page for Department Chair, Proposed Research Supervisor and Applicant. A template is available here.
Note: Details concerning education, research, publications, etc. will be collected via the application form. Please do not upload a CV.
If you have any questions, or experience difficulty during the application process, please contact Arlene McKinley.
Incomplete applications will be discarded without consideration
All applicants will be notified of the outcome.
Current & Past Winners
Year | Name | Department | Name of Award(s) |
2023 | Kevin An | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2023 | Adom Bondzi-Simpson | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2023 | Tanya (Tian) Chen | Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2023 | Mimi Deng | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2023 | David Dodington | Lab Medicine & Pathobiology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
2023 | Inna Gong | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
2023 | Viranda Jayalath | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
2023 | Helena Kim | Psychiatry | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2023 | Jethro Kwong | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2023 | Ben Li | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2023 | Syena Moltaji | Surgery | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2023 | David-Dan Nguyen | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2023 | Matthew Raleigh | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2023 | Iran Rashedi | Lab Medicine & Pathobiology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2023 | Katherine Sawicka | Medicine | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2023 | Adam Suleman | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2023 | Mathew Voisin | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2023 | Nebras Warsi | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2023 | Eric Zhao | Radiation Oncology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2022 | Sonia Anchouche | Ophthalmology & Vision Sciences | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2022 | David Bobrowski | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2022 | Connor Brenna | Anesthesiology and Pain Management | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2022 | Karen Chung | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2022 | Calvin Diep | Anesthesiology and Pain Management | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2022 | Tina Felfeli | Ophthalmology & Vision Sciences | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2022 | Eduardo Flores Umanzor | Medicine | Edie Steinberg Scholarship Fund |
2022 | Laureen Hachem | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2022 | Nicholas Howell | Medicine | Miriam Neveren Memorial Award William Cron & Jean Harris Memorial Fellowship |
2022 | Lauren King | Medicine | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2022 | Andrea Kuczynski | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2022 | Marc Levin | Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery | Miriam Neveren Memorial Award |
2022 | Amy Lu | Pediatrics | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2022 | Jayne MacMahon | Pediatrics | Edie Steinberg Scholarship Fund |
2022 | Akihiro Nakamura | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2022 | Christopher Noel | Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery | Heidi Sternbach Scholarship Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Timeposters Fellowship |
2022 | Sofiane Ouerd | Medicine | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2022 | Sabrina Piedimonte | Obstetrics & Gynaecology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2022 | Marko Popovic | Ophthalmology & Vision Sciences | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2022 | Cal Robinson | Pediatrics | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2022 | Paul Ryan | Pediatrics | Elizabeth Arbuthnot Dyson Fellowship |
2022 | Fartoon Siad | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2022 | Weam Sieffien | Psychiatry | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2022 | Ryan Sless | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2022 | Tianwei (Ellen) Zhou | Ophthalmology & Vision Sciences | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship Javenthey Soobiah Scholarship |
2021 | Tavis Apramian | Family Medicine | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship Javenthey Soobiah Scholarship |
2021 | Alexandre Boutet | Diagnostic Radiology | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2021 | Karen Chung | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2021 | David Dodington | Lab Medicine & Pathobiology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
2021 | Tina Felfeli | Ophthalmology & Vision Sciences | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2021 | Zachary Ferraro | Obstetrics & Gynaecology | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2021 | Inna Gong | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2021 | Laureen Hachem | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine Starr Medal |
2021 | John Hudson | Radiation Oncology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
2021 | Jean Jacob-Brassard | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2021 | Rachel Kim | Obstetrics & Gynaecology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2021 | Andrea Kuczynski | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2021 | Jennifer Kwan | Radiation Oncology | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship Miriam Neveren Memorial Award |
2021 | Maria Lambadaris | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2021 | Rashmi Nedadur | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2021 | Christopher Noel | Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2021 | Diana Olszewska | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2021 | Justine Philteos | Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2021 | Sharanya Ramesh | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2021 | Hayeong Rho | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2021 | Shohinee Sarma | Medicine | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2021 | Sanskriti Sasikumar | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2021 | Justin Wang | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2021 | Kevin Xin Wang | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2021 | Jovi Wong | Ophthalmology & Vision Sciences | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2021 | Siqi Xue | Psychiatry | Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2021 | Eric Zhao | Radiation Oncology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2020 | Susan Armstrong | Lab Medicine & Pathobiology | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2020 | Melanie Audette | Obstetrics & Gynaecology | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2020 | Abhishek Bhaskaran | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2020 | Karen Chung | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2020 | Eric Coomes | Medicine | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship Javenthey Soobiah Scholarship |
2020 | Benjamin Davidson | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2020 | Tina Felfeli | Ophthalmology | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine William Cron & Jean Harris Memorial Fellowship |
2020 | Amanda Formosa | Critical Care Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2020 | Jorge-Ryan Georgakopoulos | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2020 | Rachel Glicksman | Radiation Oncology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2020 | Inna Gong | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Heidi Sternbach Scholarship Timeposters Fellowship |
2020 | Michelle Gould | Paediatrics | Elizabeth Arbuthnot Dyson Fellowship Nellie L. Farthing Fellowship |
2020 | Shelly Luu | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2020 | Ying Meng | Surgery | Ellen Epstein Rykov Memorial Prize |
2020 | Akihiro Nakamura | Medicine | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2020 | Enoch Ng | Psychiatry | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2020 | Christopher Noel | Otolaryngology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2020 | Christopher Pasarikovski | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2020 | John Peel | Anesthesia | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2020 | Marko Popovic | Ophthalmology | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2020 | Sneha Raju | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2020 | Mélissa Roy | Surgery | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2020 | Michael Sklar | SGS | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2020 | Colin Sue-Chue-Lam | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2020 | Abi Vijenthira | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2020 | Xin Wang | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2020 | Weining Yang | Otolaryngology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2020 | Calvin Yeh | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2020 | Jeffrey Zuccato | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2020 | Momina Zulfeen | Obstetrics & Gynaecology | Miriam Neveren Memorial Award |
Year | Name | Department | Name of Award(s) |
2019 | Christopher Ahuja | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2019 | Jetan Badhiwala | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2019 | Matthew Castelo | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2019 | Douglas Cheung | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2019 | Karen Chung | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2019 | Fahima Dossa | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2019 | Terence Fu | Otolaryngology | Miriam Neveren Memorial Award |
2019 | Inna Gong | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Edie Steinberg Scholarship Fund |
2019 | Vaibhav Gupta | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2019 | Amanda Hird | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
2019 | Andrew Kouri | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2019 | Jennifer Kwan | Radiation Oncology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2019 | June Lam | Psychiatry | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2019 | Asaf Lebe | Paediatrics | Elizabeth Arbuthnot Dyson Fellowship William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2019 | Anath Lionel | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2019 | Michail Mavros | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2019 | Amine Mazine | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine Edie Steinberg Scholarship Fund |
2019 | Paraish Misra | Medicine | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine Nellie L. Farthing Fellowship |
2019 | Hala Muaddi | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2019 | Farshad Nassiri | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship Starr Medal |
2019 | Jennie Pouget | Psychiatry | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2019 | Kieran Quinn | Medicine | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine Chisholm Memorial Fellowship William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2019 | Sneha Raju | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2019 | April Rose | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Heidi Sternbach Scholarship Timeposters Fellowship |
2019 | Sanskriti Sasikumar | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2019 | Colin Siu | Medicine | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship Javenthey Soobiah Scholarship |
2019 | Colin Sue-Chue-Lam | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2019 | Cornelia Theoni | Lab Medicine & Pathology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2019 | Michael Tjong | Radiation Oncology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2019 | Robert Vanner | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2019 | Cory Weissman | Psychiatry | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine Miriam Neveren Memorial Award |
2019 | Ann Young | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2019 | Jeffrey Zuccato | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
Year | Name | Department | Name of Award(s) |
2018 | Tehmina Ahmad | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2018 | Sumedha Arya | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2018 | Alexandre Boutet | Diagnostic Radiology | Diagnostic Radiology |
2018 | Vaibhav Gupta | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2018 | Tina Hu | Family Medicine | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship William Cron & Jean Harris Memorial Fellowship |
2018 | Kyle Juraschka | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2018 | Jennifer Kwan | Radiation Oncology | Miriam Neveren Memorial Award William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2018 | Jennifer Lee | Paediatrics | Elizabeth Arbuthnot Dyson Fellowship William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2018 | Anthony Mak | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
2018 | Rano Matta | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2018 | David Mealiea | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Heidi Sternbach Scholarship Timeposters Fellowship |
2018 | Jaap Mulder | Paediatrics | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2018 | Farshad Nassiri | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2018 | Christopher Noel | Otolaryngology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2018 | Kieran Quinn | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Javenthey Soobiah Scholarship |
2018 | Helene Retrouvey | Surgery | Ellen Epstein Rykov Memorial Prize |
2018 | Ruth Ronn | Obstetrics & Gynaecology | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2018 | Tomas Saun | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2018 | Shiri Shinar | Obstetrics & Gynaecology | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2018 | Colin Sue-Chue-Lam | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2018 | Suganth Suppiah | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2018 | Nigel Tan | Medicine | Edie Steinberg Scholarship Fund Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
2018 | Robert Vanner | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
2018 | Abi Vijenthira | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2018 | Calvin Yeh | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2018 | Natalia Ziolkowski | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2018 | Kevin Zuo | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship Nellie L. Farthing Fellowship |
Year | Name | Department | Name of Award(s) |
2017 | Christopher Ahuja | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine Nellie L. Farthing Fellowship |
2017 | Michael Cabanero | Lab Medicine & Pathology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2017 | Jay Detsky | Radiation Oncology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Heidi Sternbach Scholarship Timeposters Fellowship Starr Medal |
2017 | Mallory Downie | Paediatrics | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Starr Medal |
2017 | Daipayan Guha | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2017 | Julien Hebert | Medicine | Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2017 | Christopher Hong | Otolaryngology | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2017 | Mohamad Hussain | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2017 | Naheed Jivraj | Anesthesia | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2017 | Raed Joundi | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2017 | Kyle Juraschka | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2017 | Tyler Kaster | Psychiatry | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2017 | Tomonari Kinoshita | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2017 | Jennifer Kwan | Radiation Oncology | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2017 | Pencilla Lang | Radiation Oncology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2017 | Liran Levy | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2017 | Xiaoyang Liu | Diagnostic Radiology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2017 | Aruz Mesci | Radiation Oncology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2017 | Paraish Misra | Medicine | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2017 | Jaap Mulder | Paediatrics | Elizabeth Arbuthnot Dyson Fellowship Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2017 | Michelle Murray | Medicine | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2017 | Farshad Nassiri | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
2017 | Nicholas Neufeld | Psychiatry | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship Javenthey Soobiah Scholarship |
2017 | Lauren Philp | Obstetrics & Gynaecology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2017 | Judy Qiang | Medicine | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2017 | Kieran Quinn | Medicine | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine |
2017 | Srinivas Raman | Radiation Oncology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2017 | Helene Retrouvey | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
Year | Name | Department | Name of Award(s) |
2016 | Sergio Acuna | Surgery | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2016 | Christopher Ahuja | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2016 | Fernando Angarita | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2016 | Suze Berkhout | Psychiatry | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2016 | Alexander Bilbily | Diagnostic Radiology | Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Chisholm Memorial Fellowship William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship Starr Medal |
2016 | Vivek Bodani | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2016 | Alexandre Boutet | Diagnostic Radiology | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship Nellie L. Farthing Fellowship |
2016 | James Byrne | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2016 | Nicholas Chadi | Paediatrics | Elizabeth Arbuthnot Dyson Fellowship |
2016 | Crystal Cheung | Ophthalmology | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2016 | Mark Cicero | Diagnostic Radiology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2016 | Danny Costantini | Diagnostic Radiology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
2016 | Neil Dattani | Family Medicine | Edie Steinberg Scholarship Fund Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Starr Medal |
2016 | Elena Diaconescu | Laboratory Medicine | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2016 | Adam Dmytriw | Diagnostic Radiology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2016 | Tariq Esmail | Anesthesia | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2016 | Andras Fecso | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2016 | Niall Filewod | Critical Care | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2016 | Patrick Fleming | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2016 | Kosuke Fujino | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2016 | Alaina Garbens | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2016 | Rachel Glicksman | Radiation Oncology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2016 | Lauren Gordon | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2016 | Daipayan Guha | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2016 | Ezra Hahn | Radiation Oncology | Ellen Epstein Rykov Memorial Prize |
2016 | Mohamad Hussain | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2016 | Raed Joundi | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2016 | Cynthia Luk | Medicine | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2016 | Yuliya Lytvyn | Pharmacology & Toxicology | Javenthey Soobiah Scholarship |
2016 | Sylvia Ng | Radiation Oncology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Heidi Sternbach Scholarship |
2016 | Jacques Raphael | Medicine | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2016 | Hamid-Reza Raziee | Radiation Oncology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2016 | Helene Retrouvey | Surgery | Ellen Epstein Rykov Memorial Prize |
2016 | Joshua Rosenblat | Psychiatry | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Timeposters Fellowship |
2016 | Trisha Roy | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2016 | Hideki Ujiie | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2016 | Christopher Wallis | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2016 | Christopher Witiw | Surgery | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2016 | Natalia Ziolkowski | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
Year | Name | Department | Name of Award(s) |
2015 | Danielle Baribeau | Psychiatry | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Miriam Neveren Memorial Award |
2015 | Joshua Bell | Anesthesia | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund William Cron & Jean Harris Memorial Fellowship Starr Medal |
2015 | Joseph Catapano | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2015 | Ashton Connor | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2015 | Lawson Eng | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2015 | Alireza Fotouhi Ghiam | Radiation Oncology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Heidi Sternbach Scholarship Timeposters Fellowship Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2015 | David Gomez Jaramillo | Surgery | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2015 | Mohamad Hussain | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2015 | Raed Joundi | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2015 | Daniel Kagedan | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2015 | Tyler Kaster | Psychiatry | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2015 | Hiroyuki Kawajiri | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Edie Steinberg Scholarship Fund |
2015 | Biniam Kidane | Surgery | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2015 | Lauren King | Medicine | Miriam Neveren Memorial Award |
2015 | Paul Kudlow | Psychiatry | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2015 | Jonathan C. Lee | Psychiatry | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2015 | Yuliya Lytvyn | Pharmacology & Toxicology | Javenthey Soobiah Scholarship |
2015 | Allan Martin | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2015 | Dale Podolsky | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2015 | Reed Siemieniuk | Medicine | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2015 | Michael Sklar | Anesthesia | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2015 | Marko Skrtic | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2015 | Christopher Yarnell | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2015 | Ann Young | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
Year | Name | Department | Name of Award(s) |
2014 | Moogeh Baharnoori | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2014 | Vivek Bodani | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Nellie L. Farthing Fellowship |
2014 | Joseph Catapano | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2014 | Crystal Chan | Obstetrics & Gynaecology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2014 | Michael Herman Chui | Laboratory Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2014 | Ashton Connor | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2014 | Saswata Deb | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Edie Steinberg Scholarship Fund |
2014 | Aaron Drucker | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Chisholm Memorial Fellowship William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2014 | Lihi Eder | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Miriam Neveren Memorial Award |
2014 | Neil Goldenberg | Anesthesia | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Edie Steinberg Scholarship Fund Starr Medal |
2014 | David Gomez Jaramillo | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Miriam Neveren Memorial Award |
2014 | Karineh Kazazian | Surgery | Ellen Epstein Rykov Memorial Prize Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
2014 | James Kennedy | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Timeposters Fellowship Starr Medal |
2014 | Nicole Kozloff | Psychiatry | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2014 | Shuyin (Veronica) Liang | Surgery | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Heidi Sternbach Scholarship |
2014 | Owen Lyons | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2014 | Allan Martin | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2014 | Madhur Nayan | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2014 | Dragos Nita | Paediatrics | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Elizabeth Arbuthnot Dyson Fellowship |
2014 | Aaron Orkin | Public Health & Preventive Medicine | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2014 | Si-Hyeong Park | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2014 | Dale Podolsky | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2014 | Chethan Sathya | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2014 | Kevin Schwartz | Paediatrics | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship Elizabeth Arbuthnot Dyson Fellowship |
2014 | Claude Steriade | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2014 | Kasra Tajdaran | Surgery | Javenthey Soobiah Scholarship |
2014 | Hubert Tsui | Laboratory Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2014 | Jennifer Wang | Otolaryngology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
Year | Name | Department | Name of Award(s) |
2013 | Asim Alam | Anesthesia | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2013 | Kirsteen Burton | Diagnostic Radiology | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2013 | Lihi Eder | Medicine | Edie Steinberg Scholarship Fund Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2013 | Antoine Eskander | Otolaryngology | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2013 | Julio Furlan | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Miriam Neveren Memorial Award |
2013 | Alireza Fotouhi Ghiam | Radiation Oncology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Timeposters Fellowship Award |
2013 | Sumit Gupta | Paediatrics | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Elizabeth Arbuthnot Dyson Fellowship Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship Starr Medal |
2013 | Kate Hanneman | Diagnostic Radiology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2013 | Raymond Kim | Medical Genetics | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2013 | Fiona Kouyoumdjian | Public Health & Preventive Medicine | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship |
2013 | Gianni Lorello | Anesthesia | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2013 | Mark McVey | Anesthesia | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2013 | Damien Noone | Paediatrics | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2013 | Ruth Sapir-Pichhadze | Medicine | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2013 | Matthew Schlenker | Ophthalmology | Nellie L. Farthing Fellowship Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2013 | Benjamin Steinberg | Anesthesia | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Javenthey Soobiah Scholarship |
2013 | Reo Tanoshima | Paediatrics | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2013 | Hubert Tsui | Laboratory Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Javenthey Soobiah Scholarship Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Starr Medal |
2013 | Nikolaus Wolter | Otolaryngology | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2013 | Kaylyn Kit Man Wong | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Heidi Sternbach Scholarship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
Year | Name | Department | Name of Award(s) |
2012 | Ryan Alkins | Surgery | Joseph Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2012 | Sinziana Avramescu | Anesthesia | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2012 | Michelle Battish | Pediatrics | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2012 | Tze Luck Chia | Medical Imaging | Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2012 | Gregory Day | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2012 | Antoine Eskander | Otolaryngology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2012 | Julio Furlan | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship William H. Fenwick Research Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2012 | Kevin Grace | Medicine | Javenthey Soobiah Scholarship |
2012 | Sumit Gupta | Pediatrics | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship Starr Medal |
2012 | Saima Hassan | Surgery | William S. Fenwick Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2012 | James Michael Hendry | Surgery | William S. Fenwick Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2012 | Marvin Hsiao | Surgery | Joseph Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2012 | George Ibrahim | Surgery | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship Nelly L. Farthing Fellowship |
2012 | Eva Knifed | Family Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Jean Harris Memorial Scholarship |
2012 | Emilie Jean-St.-Michel | Pediatrics | Edie Steinberg Scholarship Fund Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2012 | Salima Jiwani | Dept. of Communication Disorders & Otolaryngology | Javenthey Soobiah Scholarship |
2012 | Michael Jurkiewicz | Diagnostic Radiology | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2012 | Charles Kassardjian | Medicine | William S. Fenwick Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2012 | David Kevans | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Timeposters Fellowship Award Joseph M. West Memorial Fund |
2012 | Tabitha Kung | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2012 | Matthew Lincoln | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
2012 | Nadia Luca | Pediatrics | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2012 | Marco Magalhaes | Dentistry | Javenthey Soobiah Scholarship Heidi Sternbach Scholarship |
2012 | Julia Panczuk | Pediatrics | Elizabeth Arbuthnot Dyson Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2012 | Matthew Schlenker | Ophthalmology | William S. Fenwick Fellowship Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2012 | Hubert Tsui | Lab Medicine | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
2012 | Marinka Twilt | Pediatrics | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2012 | Ming Zhang | Physiology | Javenthey Soobiah Scholarship |
Year | Name | Department | Name of Award(s) |
2011 | Ryan D. Alkins | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2011 | Akerke Baibergenova | Medicine | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2011 | Christina Louise Basford | IMS | Javenthey Soobiah Scholarship |
2011 | Kirsteen Burton | Diagnostic Radiology | William Cron and Jean Harris Memorial Fellowship |
2011 | David Cadotte | Surgery | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
2011 | Andrea Covelli | Surgery | Ellen Epstein Rykov Memorial Prize Joseph M. west Family Memorial Fund |
2011 | Julio Furlan | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2011 | Ahmad Alavian Ghavanini | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship in Medicine Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2011 | Nigil Haroon | Medicine | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2011 | Siba Haykal | Surgery | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2011 | George M. Ibrahim | Surgery | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2011 | Dina Kulik | Paediatrics | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Elizabeth Arbuthnot Dyson Fellowship Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine Timeposters Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2011 | Lily Siok Hoon Lim | Paediatrics | Edie Steinberg Scholarship Fund Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2011 | Johan Van Limbergen | Paediatrics | Nellie L. Farthing Fellowship William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2011 | Nir Lipsman | Surgery | William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2011 | Nadia Luca | Paediatrics | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2011 | Mark McVey | Anaesthesia | Edie Steinberg Scholarship Fund Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2011 | Niraj Mistry | Paediatrics | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
2011 | Marialena Mouzaki | Paediatrics | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2011 | Srinivas Murthy | Paediatric Critical Care | Elizabeth Arbuthnot Dyson Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2011 | Furqan Shaikh | Paediatrics | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2011 | Marko Skrtic | IMS | Heidi Sternbach Scholarship |
2011 | Pawel Stocki | IMS | Ellen Epstein Rykov Memorial Prize |
2011 | Brent Williams | Paediatrics | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2011 | Jefferson R. Wilson | Surgery | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Edward Christie Stevens Fellowships in Medicine Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2011 | Darren Yuen | Medicine | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship in Medicine Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
Year | Name | Department | Name of Award(s) |
2010 | John De. Almeida | Otolaryngology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2010 | Christina Louise Basford | Physiology & Medicine | Graham Campbell Fellowship Award |
2010 | Kirsteen Burton | Diagnostic Radiology | Edie Steinberg Scholarship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2010 | David Cadotte | Surgery | Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Joseph M. Weset Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
2010 | Ivan Diamond | Surgery | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2010 | Julio C. Furlan | Surgery | Javenthey Soobiah Scholarship Nellie L. Farthing Fellowship William S. Fenwick Fellowship Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2010 | Meridith Elana Giuliani | Radiation Oncology | Ellen Epstein Rykov Memorial Prize Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Timeposters Fellowship |
2010 | Siokhoon Lim | Paediatrics | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2010 | Daniel Mandell | Diagnostic Radiology | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2010 | Johan Van Limbergen | Medicine | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2010 | Catharine Walsh | Paediatrics | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Elizabeth Arbuthnot Dyson Fellowship Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship Starr Medal |
2010 | Brent Williams | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2010 | Darren Yuen | Medicine | Edie Steinberg Scholarship Fund Heidi Sternbach Scholarship Javenthey Soobiah Fellowship William S. Fenwick Fellowship Edward Christine Stevens Fellowship Starr Medal |
2010 | Ali Zahrai | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Edward Christine Stevens Fellowship |
Year | Name | Department | Name of Award(s) |
2009 | Cancelled | Cancelled | Cancelled |
Year | Name | Department | Name of Award(s) |
2008 | Reshma Amin | Paediatrics | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2008 | Anju Anand | Medicine | Edie Steinberg Scholarship Fund Nellie L. Farthing Fellowship |
2008 | Mitesh Vallabh Badiwala | Surgery | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
2008 | Hance Clarke | Royal College | Charles Fell Charitable Trust William S. Fenwick Fellowship |
2008 | Kristen M. Davidge | Surgery | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2008 | Barbara Haas | Surgery | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2008 | Gregory Hawryluk | Surgery | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2008 | Linda T. Hiraki | Paediatrics | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2008 | Seamus Hussey | Paediatrics | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Elizabeth Arbuthnot Dyson Fellowship Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2008 | Lorraine Kalia | Medicine | Edward Christine Stevens Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
2008 | Betty Y.S. Kim | Surgery | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Timeposters Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2008 | Jonathon Maguire | Paediatrics | Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2008 | Gaspard Montandon | Medicine | James and Hanna M. Inglee Memorial Research Fund |
2008 | Clodagh O'Gorman | Paediatrics | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2008 | Andrea Page | Medicine | Nellie L. Farthing Fellowship William S. Fenwick Fellowship |
2008 | Daniel Ricciuto | Medicine | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2008 | Raewyn Marie Seaberg | Otolaryngology | Edward Christine Stevens Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund Starr Medal |
2008 | Cythia Seow | Medicine | William S. Fenwick Fellowship |
2008 | Demitre Serletis | Surgery | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2008 | Heinrike Schmeling | Paediatrics | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship |
2008 | Patrick Tawadros | Surgery | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Miriam Neveren Memorial Fund Edward Christine Stevens Fellowship |
2008 | Michael Tusche | Immunology | Ellen Epstein Rykov Memorial Prize Heidi Sternbach Scholarship Charles Fell Charitable Trust Javenthey Soobiah Scholarship |
2008 | Jacob Allan Udell | ICES | Nellie L. Farthing Fellowship William S. Fenwick |
2008 | Catherine Walsh | Paediatrics | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2008 | Brent Williams | Paediatrics | Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship Joseph M. West Family Memorial Fund |
2008 | Eytan Wine | Paediatrics | Chisholm Memorial Fellowship Elizabeth Arbuthnot Dyson Fellowship Miriam Neveren Memorial Award Edward Christie Stevens Fellowship |
2008 | Darren Yuen | IMS/Medicine | Charles Fell Charitable Trust William S. Fenwick Fellowship |
Year | Name | Department | Name of Award(s) |
2007 | Eric Benchimol | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Sharon Cushing | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Deepak Kamnasaran | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Betty Y.S. Kim | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Adrian Laxton | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Michael Marxen | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Elodie Masson | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Taymaa May | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Gaspard Montandon | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Alexio Muise | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Joydeep Mukherjee | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Coling Hing Piew Ong | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Joerg Schwock | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Cynthia Han-Tse Seow | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Demitre Serletis | N/A | N/A |
2007 | John Lamport Sievenpiper | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Scellig Stone | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Jensen Tan | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Patrick S. Tawadros | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Anouk-Martine Teichert | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Dan Turner | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Aoife Waters | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Eytan Wine | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Guo Wei Xu | N/A | N/A |
2007 | Jiang Yue | N/A | N/A |
Year | Name | Department | Name of Award(s) |
2006 | Todd Alexander | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Emma Allister | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Sharon Cushing | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Masson Elodie | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Hooman Farhadi | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Jocelyn Manning Fox | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Veena Guru | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Daniel Hackam | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Gregory Hawryluk | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Deepak Kamnasaran | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Benjamin Lamont | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Adrian Laxton | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Christine Longuet | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Charles Matouk | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Alexandra Milhailovic | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Theo Moraes | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Aleixo Muise | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Joydeep Mukherjee | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Ann Parr | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Demitre Serletis | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Scellig Stone | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Patrick Tawadros | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Anouk Teichert | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Dan Turner | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Eytan Wine | N/A | N/A |
2006 | Lin Yang | N/A | N/A |
Year | Name | Department | Name of Award(s) |
2005 | R. Todd Alexander | N/A | N/A |
2005 | Richard Bitar | N/A | N/A |
2005 | Gordon Chu | N/A | N/A |
2005 | Urban Emmenegger | N/A | N/A |
2005 | Veena Guru | N/A | N/A |
2005 | Bradley Jacobs | N/A | N/A |
2005 | Deepak Kamnasaran | N/A | N/A |
2005 | Michael Ko | N/A | N/A |
2005 | Warren Lee | N/A | N/A |
2005 | Michael Lekas | N/A | N/A |
2005 | Jocelyn Manning-Fox | N/A | N/A |
2005 | Elodie Masson | N/A | N/A |
2005 | Imitiaz Mawji | N/A | N/A |
2005 | Alexandra Milhailovic | N/A | N/A |
2005 | Abdul Momen | N/A | N/A |
2005 | Theo Moraes | N/A | N/A |
2005 | Patrick Tawadros | N/A | N/A |
2005 | Anouk-Martine Teichert | N/A | N/A |
2005 | Klaus Witte | N/A | N/A |
2005 | Ling Xia | N/A | N/A |
Year | Name | Department | Name of Award(s) |
2004 | Maria Teresa Herrera Abreu | N/A | N/A |
2004 | Richard Bitar | N/A | N/A |
2004 | Jacob Bukczynksi | N/A | N/A |
2004 | Jingyu Diao | N/A | N/A |
2004 | Nanline Gong | N/A | N/A |
2004 | Veena Guru | N/A | N/A |
2004 | Benoit-Gilles Kerfant | N/A | N/A |
2004 | Warren Lee | N/A | N/A |
2004 | Lixen Li | N/A | N/A |
2004 | Charles Matouk | N/A | N/A |
2004 | Ahmad Muinuddin | N/A | N/A |
2004 | Mark Peterson | N/A | N/A |
2004 | Danny Ramzy | N/A | N/A |