Pre-Entry Assessment Program (PEAP)

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In General

To obtain an unrestricted postgraduate medical education certificate of registration (educational license) from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), international medical graduates (IMGs) must successfully complete the Pre-Entry Assessment Program (PEAP).

  • Enrolment in the PEAP can begin only after the CPSO has issued a PEAP certificate of licensure and the candidate has registered with PGME for the PEAP.
  • Successful completion of the PEAP is a requirement for full acceptance into residency training for IMGs who enter residency training outside the CaRMS match.
  • Successful completion of the PEAP is also a requirement for IMGs entering clinical fellowship or elective residency training (if the elective IMG’s home residency program is outside Canada and the U.S.).

The PEAP includes an assessment of communication skills but Program Directors have the option of requiring applicants to provide additional evidence of language proficiency, such as the TOEFL iBT test.


The PEAP is an assessment process that evaluates IMGs to determine whether they can function at the appointed level of training. It is normally between four to twelve weeks in duration (two weeks for elective appointments). The assessment is to take place in a supervised clinical, multidisciplinary environment where there is patient input on an ongoing basis. Assessors are to ensure that the candidate is: mentally competent to practice medicine; able to practice with decency, integrity and honesty in accordance with the law; have sufficient knowledge, skill and judgment to engage in postgraduate medical training as authorized by the educational license; can communicate effectively and to display an appropriate professional attitude.


  1. The Postgraduate Office issues a Letter of Appointment (LOA) appointing the trainee to (a) the PEAP period and, (b) the remainder of the academic session conditional on successful completion of the PEAP.
  2. The CPSO issues a PEAP certificate to the candidate for the PEAP period once all the CPSO’s registration requirements have been met (including receipt of a copy of the LOA).
  3. The trainee registers with PGME for the PEAP period and obtains a Confirmation of Registration indicating partial registration.
  4. The department assesses the IMG resident/fellow/elective trainee at the end of the second week (recommended) and at the end of the PEAP. Upon completion of the PEAP, the supervisor and the program director complete and sign the PEAP Final Assessment Form and forward it to PGME for the approval and signature of the Associate Dean. (Note: the Detailed Preliminary Assessment Form is for internal use only and stays in the department).
  5. PGME sends the PEAP Final Assessment Form with the Associate Dean’s signature to the CPSO. If the PEAP is passed, the CPSO converts the trainee’s registration to a Postgraduate Education Certificate. PGME then revises the trainee’s record to reflect the end of the PEAP and the start of the regular training period. The trainee obtains an updated PGME Confirmation of Registration indicating complete registration for the academic period.

Candidates in a Residency PEAP

The Residency PEAP must provide assessment of the candidate’s clinical skills, knowledge and judgment in the discipline in which the candidate is seeking postgraduate education as well as the candidate’s basic skills in internal medicine, obstetrics & gynaecology, paediatrics, psychiatry and general surgery, appropriate for practice in the chosen discipline.

Successful completion of the Residency PEAP determines eligibility to enter residency and is also recorded as creditable training as part of the residency training program requirements.

An Unsuccessful PEAP

The candidate has not successfully completed the PEAP if the Final Assessment Form does not contain a “yes” response to all yes/no questions that follow the cumulative summary observed assessments on page 2 of the form. If the candidate fails to meet expectations in any of the five areas of observed assessment (i.e. clinical skills, technical skills, knowledge and judgment, communication skills, and professional attitudes) it is still possible for the candidate to pass the PEAP if the Final Assessment Form contains appropriate explanatory comments.

According to the CPSO’s regulations, if the PEAP is not completed successfully then enrolment in a subsequent PEAP in Ontario in the same discipline is not permitted.