3. Activation of the AFC Program

Activation status by the Royal College is granted after the program accepts its first learner with a confirmed start date and reports this to the Royal College through PGME. Please follow these steps to proceed:

3.1.    Register the Learner

After accepting a learner, the program must register the learner with PGME. For detailed instructions, please refer to the Prospective Learners section.

3.2.    Inform PGME AFC Project Coordinator

Once the learner is registered with PGME and has a confirmed start date, the program must inform the PGME AFC Project Coordinator (pgme.afc@utoronto.ca) and the coordinator will then notify the Royal College. 

  • If there is any reason for a delay in the confirmed start date, the program must promptly update the PGME AFC Project Coordinator. The coordinator will then inform the Royal College of the change.

3.3.    Receive Activation Letter

After the Royal College reviews the information, they will send an Activation Letter to the Associate Dean, PGME. This letter will confirm the program’s activation and provide details on the upcoming External Review timeline.

According to Royal College criteria, all newly accredited programs must undergo an External Review by the Royal College within 24 months of activation. Since a comprehensive Internal Review will have already been conducted at the university level, the program may only need to address any final comments or notes before the Royal College’s External Review. The PGME Accreditation team will assist with these preparations.