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Internal & External Transfers - Frequently Asked Questions
Why are Internal & External Transfer requests only considered once per year?
Internal and External Transfer requests are only considered once per year to ensure it is a fair and equitable process for all residents requesting transfers.
The timelines also take into account the 2nd Iteration of the R1 CaRMS which residents may want to consider as another option. All residents are eligible to apply for residency positions that are available in the second iteration of R1 CaRMS. A reminder that matching to a position in CaRMS forms a legally binding contract.
Are there any restrictions as to how much training I must complete before requesting to transfer?
Residents must complete a minimum of six months of training prior to applying for consideration to transfer. This is to ensure learners have had adequate exposure to their current discipline.
I’m interested in transferring Internally, how many programs can I apply to?
Residents can apply for transfer to up to five programs.
I am currently in my first year of a five-year residency program. As I still have 4 years of funding remaining, will this improve the odds of my transfer request being successful?
This will not increase the success rate. It is important to note that funding resides with the PGME office, not the learner, nor the residency program.
Is the option to transfer available to all residents at PGME?
Yes, all residents are eligible to be considered for a transfer except for Family Medicine PGY2s (please refer to the University of Toronto Transfer of Residency Program Guideline). Residents must also complete a minimum of six months of training in their current program to be eligible.
Please note that, as per the University of Toronto Transfer of Residency Programs Guideline, priority will be given to first-time transfer requests and to residents requesting a transfer prior to the final year of training in their home program.
Are positions reserved for specific programs?
No, positions are not reserved for specific programs for the Internal Transfer Process. PGME asks programs to confirm capacity on an annual basis.
I have successfully transferred programs once before. Am I eligible to reapply?
Yes, you are eligible to reapply for a transfer. In your personal statement, you may want to address why you are requesting to transfer for a second time. Please note that, as per the University of Toronto Transfer of Residency Programs Guideline, priority will be given to first-time transfer requests and to residents requesting a transfer prior to the final year of training in their home program.
How many Internal transfer requests are supported each academic year?
PGME strives to support as many requests as possible. Approximately, 10 % of Internal Transfers are typically supported each academic year.
Is funding transferable between schools/institutions?
No, funding resides with the PGME Office and is not transferable between Institutions.
Are you able to provide me with any recommendations or tips to make my application more competitive?
Unfortunately, PGME is not able to make recommendations or provide tips. You should review the program description available on the CaRMS website which outlines details regarding program selection criteria.
If my transfer is successful, will I remain at my current PGY level? Or will I have to restart my training?
It will be up to the new Program Director/Residency Program Committee to determine if credit can be given for past training. It is important to remember that each program has specific rotation objectives and evaluations; completion of a rotation within your current program may not be considered equivalent to the new program.
Residents should assume that they will be starting at the entry level for their program. Please note that you will be registered at the level determined by the program and as such, will be paid at the level of registration.
Is it possible to receive credit for my current program at a later date?
Yes, programs may re-evaluate if credit can be received for past training towards the end of your training.
I’ve heard there is a position available in a program. Am I able to apply directly to the program without going through PGME.
No, to ensure a fair and equitable process for all residents, all requests must be submitted to PGME. As of 2024-2025 all communication regarding transfer outcomes, including successful Internal Transfer offers, will be distributed by PGME to the applicant (not by the program).
I’m interested in applying to another school. Are there any guidelines I should review?
The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) has established National Transfer Guidelines. Please carefully review these guidelines prior to submitting your application. All requests for transfer to other Canadian residency programs must be registered with your home PGME office (