Competency Based Medical Education (CBME)

Thank you for your interest in advancing Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME). The information you find in this section is to help support the implementation of CBME at the University of Toronto, including the Family Medicine's Triple C Curriculum, the Royal College's Competence by Design (CBD) and other innovative competency-based education initiatives.

It will provide periodic focused communication with key people and partners, such as program directors and administrators, residents, hospital and department education leads and department chairs, clinical chairs, and members of various committees like the Hospital University Education Committee (HUEC) and the PGME Advisory Committee.

Our 5 goals for CBME at the University of Toronto include:

  1. Integrate a programmatic approach to assessment, with enhanced workplace-based assessments, including direct observation and enhanced culture of feedback.
  2. Enable shared evidence-informed decision-making on residents’ progress through the use of Competence Committees.
  3. Nurture more confident, knowledgeable and engaged residents regarding their performance strengths and limitations as they complete a more outcomes-based training model, including soliciting and incorporating feedback and assistance.
  4. Facilitate the effective and autonomous functioning of programs using the CBD model.
  5. Demonstrate leadership in CBME research, scholarship and knowledge translation.

As we are now in late-phase of our roll-out across RC programs, and with recent reviews of the Triple C experience, we are intent on making course corrections based on early lessons and observations. 

PGME at the U of T and CBD leads across the country are also collaborating closely with the Royal College on the best possible approaches for implementing CBD.

We encourage you to share the contents of this website broadly. If you have questions, please be in touch.

Meredith Guiliani, MBBS, MEd, PhD, FRCPC
Associate Dean, PGME

CBME Implementation Process related, contact:


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