The Group feature in Elentra provides a faculty user with access to a Group of Learners’ dashboards. For example, the user may be a Site Director who requires access to the assessment data of a set of Learners rotating on their site. This feature may also be used by Academic Advisors for their assigned Learner(s).
1. After logging into Elentra, navigate to Programs and Find & Select your Program Name.
2. Select Add New Groups
3. Create a name for your Group in the Group Name Prefix text box. This name is not user-facing, meaning group members will NOT see their name. Set the Group Type to 1 and select Add.
1. Groups will appear under the Groups tab. Select the Group you would like to populate/edit.
2. Under Tutors type to search and select the name of the Elentra Faculty member you would like to grant access to this Group (e.g. Site Director, Academic Advisor). This user will be able to see the CBME and Tasks and Results dashboards of the Learners you assign to this group.
Please note: Tutor is an Elentra function name. It does not mean that the user assigned to this role will be referred to as a tutor anywhere else in the system.
3. Select a Tutor. Multiple Tutors may be selected.
4. Add Learners to the group by using the Select Members dropdown. Type to search and select the name of the Learner.
5. After adding the Learners to be associated with this Group, select Proceed
If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Elentra Help Desk.