Elentra Help - Navigating Tasks & Results (Competency Committee Members)

(work in progress - see elentra site for info)

The Tasks and Results Dashboard is your main homepage. Here you will be able to view the following tabs, which indicate outstanding or completed tasks. Within each of these tabs you will have to option of viewing assessments in List View or Card View.

navigating tasks and results

List View of Assessments

navigating tasks and results

Under the “Assessment Tasks” tab, you have the following options to manage assessments that have been sent to you for completion: 

  • Complete the assessment form by selecting “Go” 
  • Remove the assessment form (IF appropriate) by selecting “Remove Task”. A pop-up will appear prompting you to select an appropriate “Reason to Remove Task” 
navigating tasks and results

Under the “My Completed Tasks” tab, you will be able to view all assessments that you have completed on learners. To download and Print multiple completed assessments, select the applicable assessments and then select “Download PDF(s)”.

navigating tasks & results
navigating tasks and results

To download and Print multiple completed assessments using the List View, select the applicable assessment using the last column on the right, then select “Download PDF(s)

navigating tasks and results

To view specific details of an assessment, select ‘View‘. When viewing an individual assessment, you can download it as a PDF by clicking the ‘Download PDF‘ button on the top left. Downloaded PDFs can be shared electronically or printed as needed.

navigating tasks and results

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Elentra Help Desk.

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