health and safety

Health and Safety Incidents

What to do?

1. Immediate Medical Attention

  • Visit the Hospital Occupational Health Office soon as possible.
  • If the Hospital Occupational Health Office is closed, go to the Emergency Room for treatment.

2. Complete Necessary Documentation

  • Ensure that all relevant forms are filled out during your visit. These forms are crucial for documenting your injury and ensuring you receive the necessary care and support.

Notification Based on Your Employment Status 

For Residents 

(Paid by Toronto Hospital Postgraduate Payroll Association or sponsored visa learners by Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates)

  • A copy of the completed forms must be sent to the THPPA for WSIB claim submission as soon as possible.
  • Documentation must be submitted to WSIB within 7 days of the injury.

For Elective Residents

(Paymaster is the home institution, or sponsoring agency)

  • Notify your Hospital Teaching/Training Site’s Human Resources and/or Hospital Occupational Health Office.
  • Additionally, ensure your paymaster or the entity responsible for handling WSIB-related obligations is informed.

For Internally Funded Clinical Fellows

(Paymaster is the hospital teaching/training site or institution)

  • Notify your Hospital/Training Site’s Human Resources and/or Occupational Health Office regarding WSIB claims, injuries, or workplace safety matters.

For Externally Funded Clinical Fellows

(Paymaster is outside the hospital teaching/training site or institution)

  • Notify your Hospital Teaching/Training Site’s Human Resources and/or Hospital Occupational Health Office.
  • Additionally, ensure your paymaster or the entity responsible for handling WSIB-related obligations is informed.

Need Support? We're Here to Help

We understand that experiencing a health and safety incident can be stressful. If you need any assistance during this process or have any concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to your program.  Our team is here to support you, and we want to ensure you receive the care and attention you need. If you would like additional support, you can book an appointment with the Office of Learner Affairs which offers a variety of personal supports and services.