Jan 11, 2024

2024 PGME Global Health Resident Research Showcase

Global Health

Residents and Fellows from across all PGME programs and specialties are invited to attend and / or submit an Abstract for the

7th Annual Postgraduate Medical Education | Global Health Resident Research Showcase
– an opportunity to share global health research during postgraduate training –

Thursday, February 1, 2024 6pm-9pm via Zoom

  • Required registration from this link
  • See details for Abstract submission below.
  • Submit abstract from this link
  • Please watch for full program from this link
  • Information from j.kopelow@utoronto.ca

Abstract Dates and Details
Abstract Submission Deadline extended to Friday, January 19.

All abstracts will be reviewed by a PGME GH Research Committee comprised of your peers — each are residents and fellows from across all postgraduate training programs with faculty oversight.
This Committee of your peers and faculty advisor will evaluate your abstracts for appropriateness and completeness of the information, scientific merit, impact, and relevance to the goals and objectives of GH at PGME. All submissions will be acknowledged.

Sent on behalf of the 2024 Resident Research Showcase Planning Committee

and from PGME Global Health
Judy Kopelow
Dr. Barry Pakes

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • Residents and fellows from all specialties are invited to submit abstracts on global health themes.
  • The PGME GH Research Showcase is offered as an opportunity for trainees to share their global health research during their postgraduate medical training.

Abstracts should include the following: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions.

  • Posters and oral presentations are encouraged.
  • A number of abstracts will be selected for ‘quick’ Roundtable presentation when authors will be given 5-10 minutes to present at the Showcase.

Abstracts submitted including the following themes are encouraged:

Advocacy and Activism
Artificial Intelligence
Cross Cultural Communication
Environment and Health
Global Child Health
Global Health Education
Global Health Ethics
Global Health Governance
Global Health Surgery and Anaesthesia
Global Mental Health
Global Migration and Health
Health and Human Rights

Health Economics
Humanitarian Emergencies
Indigenous Health
Infectious Diseases
Innovation and Technology in Global Health
Local Health Inequalities
Non-Communicable Diseases
Nutrition and Food Security
Primary Care and Global Primary Care
Public Health and Global Public Health
Refugee Health
Women’s Health