POWER Help - Reports - Rotation Evaluations

work in progress-see POWER helpsite for info

Rotation Evaluations

Individual Rotation evaluations are found via Reports, Rotation Evaluations and can only be accesses by the Program Director and/or Program Administrator.

rotation evaluations

To filter down your search select from the criteria listed at the top of the screen and click Search.

Depending on your search criteria individual Rotation evaluation information, completed by both internal and external trainees, will display. The evaluations are anonymous and cannot be printed individually.  However  evaluations can be printed by rotation service or all at one time and outputted in one pdf file.

In the screen shot below the search is for all Anaesthesia [standard] rotations taken at SickKids hospital only.

rotation evaluations

Note the Part of column in the above screen shot.  This means that the corresponding rotation is one of the subrotations of a multi-site template.  Since rotation evaluations are now available for each subrotation, the subrotation will appear as an individual rotation with its own evaluation, provided one was completed for it.