POWER Help - Reports - Teacher Effectiveness Score(TES)

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Teacher Effectiveness Score (TES)

The Teachers’ Effectiveness Score (TES) report is an aggregated report consisting of completed teaching evaluations per teacher for the program that the teacher has access to in POWER.

The teacher must have POWER access in order to be evaluated by learners and therefore receive a TES report.

The TES report is generated provided the minimum number of completed teaching evaluations has been met for the teacher. The TES report is found under Reports – Teacher Effect. Score in the POWER menu.

Once in the Teacher Effectiveness Score screen, you can view the TES reports of teachers by those completed by PGY learners only or by Fellows only. Select the learners you require next to the Evaluations by option.

Depending on your selection the system will display for each teacher, the number of total number of teaching evaluations completed on that Teacher along with a magnifying glass to view/print the report.

teacher effectiveness score

If a teacher does not have the minimum required number of completed teaching evaluations then the following message will appear. 

teacher effectiveness score

TES reports can also be generated using the Merge Last options found on the Training Session drop down list, highlighted below. Teachers can merge from 2 to 25 years worth of teaching evaluations, again provided the teacher evaluation form used is the same. As teacher evaluations forms have been changed over the past 25 years, more than likely teachers will have separate TES reports by each evaluation form type.

Should the program give their teachers access to their TES reports on POWER, teachers will also have access to the Merge Last options.

teacher effectiveness score

Below is a sample TES report. The report is based on the teaching evaluation form used to complete the evaluation of the teacher. The system cannot aggregate evaluations if different forms are used. In the case where different forms were used, the system will generate TES reports for each form used.

teacher effectiveness score

Below are the definitions of some of the parameters in the report above.

Listed under Number of Evaluations (header section):

Teacher: Number of teaching evaluations completed for the teacher, using the same evaluation form.
Teachers at same Location: Number of teaching evaluations for all teachers for same rotation(s) and same location, using the same form.
Teachers at all Locations: Number of teaching evaluations for all teachers for same rotation(s) at all Locations, using the same form.

Ratings for each question:

Teacher: Scores of the teacher for the rotation(s) listed on the header (Rotation(s)) in this program, and the percentage of time each rating was selected in the evaluations, using the same form.
Teachers at same Location: Scores of all teachers evaluated for the same rotation(s) at the same location in this program using the same form, and the percentage of time each rating was selected in the evaluations.
Teachers at all Locations: Scores of all teachers for the same rotation(s) at all locations in this program using the same form, and the percentage of time each rating was selected in the evaluations.

Mean: Sum of ratings divided by number of ratings

Median: Middle rating in list of ratings from lowest to highest

Mode: Most frequently occurred rating

The parameters for the TES report are set under Manage Rotations – Settings menu options. Please refer to this for detailed settings.