Call Stipend Resources


Residents are responsible for entering monthly call dates in POWER up to the maximums, as permitted by the PARO OTH Collective Agreement.

Introduction to Call Stipends

Overview Document

In addition to salaries, the Ministry of Health compensates UofT Residents (PGY), who are members of the Professional Association of Residents of Ontario (PARO), for evening, overnight, and weekend calls. 


Stipends are paid by the University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine, (as Paymaster for the Ministry of Health) and paid on the 2nd payroll only – at the end of the month following call, i.e. July call is paid at the end of August.

  • Weekday In-Hospital + Converted Calls = $176.98
  • Weekday Home Call + Shortened Hospital Call + Qualifying Shift + Back-up = $88.49
  • Weekend In-Hospital + Converted calls = $236.35
  • Weekend Home Call + Other (includes Qualifying Shift) = $118.17

Resident's Call Statement module in POWER records all monthly call detail and payment.

Quick Tips:

If you are currently a residency learner, please access one of the Stipends links below:

If you have any further questions regarding Call Stipends, please contact Jill Kinsella.