CBME - Best Practices in Evaluation & Assessment (BPEA)

Best Practices in BPEA

Best Practices in Evaluation & Assessment (BPEA) for Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME) in Residency Education


Changing Curricula to CBME - Issues and Implications
A look at the Issues and Implications of CBME for Learners
A look at the Issues and Implications of CBME for Faculty
Programs of Assessment
Role of Technology in Assessment and Data Management
Program Evaluation and Monitoring of Competence by Design (CBD)
Assessment Fatigue
Managing Residents in Difficulty within CBME Residency Educational Systems
Learner Handover and Appropriate Disclosure of Learner Needs
Lessons Learned from Innovators & Innovations in Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME): Consultations with Residents & Faculty Leaders Across Three Programs at the University of Toronto