Elentra Help - How to Use the Note to File Form (Academic Advisors)

(work in progress - see elentra site for info)

What is the purpose of this form?

  • The Note to File form is to be used to document specific, notable elements of resident behaviour/performance. This form is primarily text-based. 
  • You can use the Note to File to document something positive or negative. 
  • Sometimes these forms arise when there is an email or corridor conversation that merits follow up. 
  • This may include documentation of advocacy, scholarship, and mentorship commendations, for example, or concerns that fall outside “professional behaviour” monitoring. 

If the event/behaviour in question merits an incident report or is specifically related to professionalism, you may decide to fill out a Professional Behavioural Monitoring Form instead.

Who initiates this form?

The Note to File is typically faculty-initiated.

Who has access to the completed form? 

The Note to File Form is an “Embargoed Assessment” which means that, once completed, it is withheld from the resident’s view in Elentra and an email is immediately sent to the Program Director and Program Administrator to inform them that a Note to File form was submitted. As such, they can be reviewed and acted upon or set aside while more information is gathered. The forms are only viewable by the Program Director and Administrator and can be released to the Competence Committee and/or resident at the discretion of the Program Director. 

Can the forms be edited once submitted? 

Assessment forms cannot be edited once submitted. However, a new form can be submitted and the old one deleted if need be. 

How do I access and complete this form? 

  1. Login to Elentra.
  2. Select Start Assessment to the top left corner of your screen (if you are using a mobile device, it will appear as a big red button).
  3. Change the On-Demand Workflow to Other Assessment Form to access the Note to File Form.
on demand workflow screen

4. The Note to File form and Professional Behavioural Monitoring Form will appear once the learner and assessor are selected, as shown below. 

note to file and professional behavioral form screen

5. To view the contents of the form without initiating a data record, select Preview This Form. Otherwise, you can select Begin Assessment.

6. A preview of this tool and its contents can be found here

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Elentra Help Desk.

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