Elentra Help - Logging In (Competency Committee Members)

(work in progress - see elentra site for info)

Step 1. Go to the Elentra website.

Step 2. Enter your UTORid and password and login. You will be directed to your Elentra homepage.

help screenshot

If you do not know/have forgotten your:

UTORid: please email PGME.MedEdHelp@utoronto.ca with your name and program to request this information. 

Password: Use the following link to reset it: https://www.utorid.utoronto.ca/

If this does not work, please email PGME.MedEdHelp@utoronto.ca and provide us with the following information:

  1. Birth date and month
  2. Alternative email or phone number with SMS text

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Elentra Help Desk.

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