Elentra Help - Navigating & Understanding the CBME Dashboard for CBD Programs (Learners)

(work in progress - see elentra site for info)

The CBME Learner Dashboard provides an overview of learners’ progress towards meeting EPA requirements by Competency Stage. This guide will help learners navigate and understand the new data visualizations available on their CBME Dashboard.

Once logged into Elentra, you will automatically be directed to Home: CBME Progress tab.

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Select the downward arrow key to the left of each stage for a detailed overview of your EPA requirements for each Competency Stage.

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The “progress boxes” below each EPA title (e.g. the yellow 2/5 box below EPA D1 in the example above) indicate your progress in completing the EPA requirements set by your program. They are colour-coded according to the legend at the top of the stages tab.

  • Red – No Progress. Indicates that the learner has not been assessed on a given EPA, OR has been assessed but none of the assessments meet the targets set by the program (i.e. ‘EPA requirements’)
  • Yellow – In Progress < 50%. Indicates that the learner has been assessed on a given EPA, but is currently meeting less than 50% of the requirements
  • Blue – In Progress > 50%. Indicates that the learner has been assessed on the EPA and is meeting more than 50% of the requirements
  • Green – Achieved. Indicates that the learner has been assessed on a given EPA and is currently meeting all of the requirements, pending approval from the Competence Committee

The denominator for each “progress box” incorporates both the overall EPA targets and any contextual variable-specific targets that the program requires in order for the EPA to be marked as ‘complete’. The numerator refers to the total number of assessments completed on you that meet the targets set by your program, within the ‘progress last updated’ date.

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In this example, for D3, there is 1 entrusted assessment that meets the program requirements out of the 4 required.

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Select the downward arrow key on the right-hand side of each EPA to see more detail on the number of assessments completed for each tool assessing that EPA (see diagram below)

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Click on the “progress boxes”, below the title of each EPA to see a breakdown of the requirements for each EPA (both for overall entrustment and any contextual variable (CV) targets).

Note: if you want to see more details on your completed assessments (e.g. the assessor’s comments and who completed the form) you can either select the form title (e.g. EPA Assessment Form – D3, below) to view an aggregate report of this information or view each assessment individually under the “Assessments” tab. See the user guide on Elentra navigation, for more detailed instructions.

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You can filter out the completed CVs and view the remaining CV requirements for an EPA by sliding the grey “All” toggle to the right.



Your EPAs may eventually be revised nationally to improve your curriculum and assessment experience. When the final EPAs are made available, they will be implemented at the start of your next Competency Stage.

For example, if your are in Foundations of Discipline, you will continue in the same (old) version of your EPAs until your reach Core of Discipline, at which point you will transition into the new EPA version for the remainder of your training. If you complete EPA assessments ahead of your stage (and thus in the old version), these EPA assessments will show up under the Archived folder on your dashboard, once you are transitioned to the new EPA version (see screenshot below, for example).

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You can click “Archived Assessments” to see a breakdown of the overall entrustment ratings for these assessments, by EPA.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Elentra Help Desk.

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