Elentra Help - Understanding & Using the Assessment Data Extract

(work in progress - see elentra site for info)

The Assessment Data Extract is a spreadsheet of all of the assessment data that is entered into Elentra for your program (including the assessee and assessor information, assessment initiation and submission times, contextual variable responses, milestone and overall ratings and comments, among other things). Some programs use this extract to develop other types of reports not already offered in Elentra and Tableau.

After logging into Elentra, navigate to the Admin tab, then select Assessment & Evaluation.

assessment and evaluation screen

Select the Reports tab, and then select Assessment Data Extract.

Assessment and Evaluation screen

Select the date range (based on Date of Delivery) for your assessment data extract.

*Date of Delivery refers to the date that the assessment was initiated.

  • Check the box for Include milestone data if you would like to see this information in your extract
  • Select your Program from the drop-down list (you can start typing your program name to narrow down the search)
Assessment & Evaluation Screen

Choose the relevant assessment Activity, per the descriptions below (or choose Select All, if you want to view all assessment records):

*Note: Teacher and Rotation Evaluations will only be available in the data extract for programs that are piloting these forms in Elentra

  • Student Assessment – any form completed on a learner, where the learner is of interest (Ex. EPA Assessment Forms, ITARs/ITERs)
  • Teacher Evaluation – any form completed on a teacher or faculty, where the teacher/faculty is of interest (Ex. LACT form – Learner Assessment of Clinical Teacher)
  • Rotation Evaluation – any form completed on a rotation experience, where the rotation itself is of interest (Ex. Rotation Evaluation Form)
assessment and evaluation

Select the desired Form(s) from the drop-down list to further narrow down the results of your assessment data extract. Please note that all forms will appear in the data extract when no form is selected from the drop-down list

assessment & evaluation
assessment & evaluation

Click the Run Report button to download an Assessment Data Extract CSV file

Open the downloaded CSV file to view your program’s assessment data. The table below describes each of the data fields contained therein, for your reference

assessment & evaluation

See list of raw data extract field names and explanations for your reference below:

Field Name Explanation
Assessment ID Unique ID number for each individual assessment
ATarget ID The unique ID number for the target of the assessment
Name of the Assessment Form Name of the assessment form
CBME Version Version number of each of the CBME curriculum
Assessment URL URL or link for the completed assessment
Assessment Form Code Unique code of form itself
Type of Assessment Form Type of assessment form (i.e. EPA, Other Mandatory Assessment)
Residency Program of Assessment Form The name of the residency program that the assessment form belongs to (e.g. Forensic Pathology)
Residency Program Code of Assessment Form The residency program code that the assessment form belongs to (e.g. FPAT)
Assessee Stage The Stage of the assessee at the time the assessment was completed
Assessee Training Level The training level of the assessee at the time the assessment was completed (e.g. PGY1, fellow, etc.)
Assessee Home Program The home program of the assessee
Assessee Home Department The home department of the assessee
Assessor Firstname The first name of the assessor
Assessor Lastname The last name of the assessor
Assessor Email The email of the assessor
Assessor Group* Detailed explanation of user function in Elentra (e.g. faculty)
Assessor Role* Specific access the assessor has in the system (e.g. assessor)
Assessor CPSO The CPSO number of the assessor
Assessee User ID User ID of the assessee
Assessee Lastname The last name of the assessee
Assessee Email The email of the assessee
Assessee CPSO The CPSO number of the assessee
Date of encounter The date of the encounter selected on the assessment initiation screen
Time of Assessment Delivery Exact time assessment was initiated by
initiator to assessor
Expiry Date Final date when the assessment expired (i.e. If an assessment expires and is re-triggered, only the last expiry date will be recorded in this column)
Initiator name Name of the individual who initiated the
assessment in the Elentra
Initiator role Role of the initiator within Elentra (e.g. faculty, staff, etc.)
Assessment Form Delivery Method**** One of two assessment form delivery methods (Complete now, Complete and confirm via email)
Date of Assessment Start Date the assessment form was filled out
Time of Assessment Start Exact time user started filling out the assessment form
Time of Assessment Form Submission Exact time assessment form was submitted
Date of Assessment Form Submission Date the assessment form was submitted
Flagged Appears if an assessment response contains a flagged response. Flags are set-up during the form building process
Embargoed Embargoed assessments are restricted to Program Directors and Administrators. They may only be released to other users at the
discretion of the PD and/or PA.
Note that some embargoed assessments are released under specific conditions (e.g. an ITER is released if the learner completes both the Teacher and Rotation Evaluations for that rotation).
Released to Comp. Comm. Chair If the form is embargoed and released to Competency Committee Chair
Released to Comp. Comm If the form is embargoed and released to Competency Committee
Released to Assessee If the form is embargoed and released to Assessee
Stage of Residency Stage of Residency of the Learner at the time the assessment is completed
EPA Code Entrustable Professional Activity unique code (F2, C4)
EPA Title Entrustable Professional Activity name
Other Mandatory Assessment Identifies mandatory forms that are not an EPA
Device type The type of device used to complete the assessment (e.g. desktop or phone)
Platform The specific platform of the device used to complete the assessment (e.g. Mac OS X, iPad, Android)
Resolution The resolution of the screen used to complete the assessment
Browser Specific internet browser used to complete assessment (e.g. Chrome, Internet Explorer, Handheld Browser etc.)
Rotation Service The name of the rotation service the assessee was on at the time the assessment was completed
Clinical Location** The location of the assessee at the time the assessment was completed. This location is selected from a linked location registry
Things to continue doing… Feedback section for assessor to provide feedback to assessee regarding their strengths and the things to continue doing in relation to completing the specific EPA
Things to work on… Feedback section for assessor to provide feedback to assessee regarding the things to work on and improvements in relation to completing the specific EPA
CV ID #### : Title of CV*** The unique ID number associated with each Contextual Variable (CV) in the system for the EPA
Milestone ID ##### : Title of Milestone*** The unique ID number associated with each Milestone in the system for the EPA
Entrustment / Overall Rating The overall description used to indicate level of entrustment of an assessee completing an EPA
Entrustment / Overall Value The value associated with the overall entrustment rating
Entrustment / Overall Category The overall category/title for the level of entrustment
Entrusted / Satisfactory The final rating indicating whether or not an assessee is entrusted in an EPA

*Please note: The relationship between the assessor group and assessor role in the system is dependent on the method each user was added into the system (i.e. manually added by the assessee or added by a program administrator/director)

**Please note: The Clinical Location field in the data extract is specific to certain types of forms (e.g. LACT forms, Rotation Evaluations, ITARs etc.). This field will appear blank in the data extract for EPA Assessments. Instead of clinical location, EPAs use the Contextual Variable “site” to capture location information

***Please note: All contextual variables (CVs) and milestones relevant to the chosen forms will appear on the raw data extract. Consequently, some records appear without data or ‘N/A’ if they did not have the CV or milestone in the assessment form OR if the assessor left that section of the form blank.

****Please note: Assessments using the ‘Complete and Confirm via Email’ delivery method will appear as a self-assessment (i.e. the same name will appear under the assessor and assessee columns) until the assessment has been sent to the assessor for completion. Once the assessee has completed the contextual variables and has sent the assessment to the assessor, the assessee and assessor names will correctly appear on the data extract.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Elentra Help Desk.

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