May 24, 2024

Adom Bondzi-Simpson receives 2023 RDoC Mikhael Award for Medical Education

Awards & Research, The PGME Post
Portrait photo of Dr. Adom Bondzi-Simpson

Dr. Adom Bondzi-Simpson is a third-year General Surgery resident and the recipient of the 2023 Resident Doctors of Canada (RDoC) Mikhael Award for Medical Education in the resident category. This prestigious award is given annually to an individual who has improved undergraduate and postgraduate medical education in Canada with notable enthusiasm, passion, and proficiency. 

Dr. Bondzi-Simpson co-chaired the surgical Practices and Research Collaborative group at U of T and organized a research symposium titled “Exploring Social Determinants of Health in the Surgical Population: Moving from Research to Action”. 

He also acts as a mentor and leader with UpSurge, a mentorship program which aims to stimulate interest, provide support, and guide underrepresented students in pursuing surgical careers. 

Dr. Bondzi-Simpson was highly involved with the inaugural Black Physicians of Canada conference in 2023 where he served as a member of the organizing committee as well as planning and chairing a session titled “Intersection between Health, Advocacy, and Law”. He also led the research poster presentation sessions. 

Congratulations Dr. Bondizi-Simpson!