POWER Help - Academic Sessions
work in progress-see POWER helpsite for info

Academic Sessions
Academic sessions are events that departments can make available to their learners throughout the training session. An academic session can be a weekly seminar, a workshop, lecture, or even grand rounds. Sessions very in length and can be either recurring or a ‘one time’ event. The academic sessions function in POWER provides a method by which learners can evaluate the specific session or event and/or the session speaker(s). Evaluation forms are sent out electronically to the invited learners at the end of the day the session took place.
The academic session function is enabled by by the Postgraduate Medical Education Office (PGME). The request can be sent to Khush Adatia at
To access Academic Sessions in POWER, select “Academic Sessions” from the main menu.

Four sub-menus are displayed; Calendar, Speakers, Status and Locations.
The calendar displays all sessions listed for the current month. The session information includes the time of the session, session name/topic, speaker(s), and location of the session. You can view other months in the calendar by clicking the left or right arrows. If you want to see only those days in a month that have sessions scheduled, click the “Show Events Only” box.

The session name is a link that takes you to the Update Academic Session screen, which includes more detailed information on the session. Clicking the speaker’s name will enable you to view and or update details about the speaker including his/her email, role, and department.
To add a speaker, click the “Add New” button in the speaker’s section. Clicking the drop down arrow next to “Select teacher from the list:” displays all the teachers listed in the residency program. Teacher names appear in black text while the existing speaker(‘s’) appear(s) in orange text. Once a teacher/speaker is selected from the list his/her name will appear with the details: email, role, and department. The speaker’s name will have to be entered manually if he/she is not associated with the program. Remember to click “Save” when you are finished.
To add more participants click the “Add New” button in the attendees section. For a quick way to add more attendees for a particular rotation service already in use, click on the name of the service under the “Rotation Service” column.

This gives you the option of adding a new rotation service (when attendance is limited to that group) and/or select the attendees. When selecting the attendees, you can choose “PGY All”, “Fellows All” or can specify which PGY levels or fellow types.

“Speakers” displays all speakers who have taught a session or will be conducting a future session. Speakers in the system can hold any role in your program except program director.

Clicking the speaker’s name takes users to the User Profile screen.

To add more speakers to the general list, follow the instructions to add a user manually. After adding the speaker manually to the session, select “Academic Sessions” and then “Speaker” from the main menu. Click on the speaker’s name in the list to go to their user profile page. After entering the Speaker’s email address the system will automatically assign a PIN number for that Speaker. Once the PIN is assigned you can add the role for that speaker and select the functions in POWER that they will have access to. For hospital/rotation coordinators and teachers, select the appropriate hospital, site, and rotation service that the speaker is responsible for.
The speaker will then be listed under “Manage Users” as a Teacher.
“Status'” displays the status of the academic sessions’ evaluations. The list contains the date and time of the session, the number of attendees (learners), number of evaluations completed, and percentage of evaluations completed. Where at least one evaluation has been completed, a link will be provided in the session name that will take you to the individual evaluations.

Each evaluation is represented by a printer icon; click on the icon to view the evaluation. Note: evaluations are anonymous; there is no information identifying the learner.

‘Locations’ displays all locations where sessions have been held.
Locations are managed centrally. To add a new location, or to get assistance with this function please contact the help desk.

New in POWER!
Alerts Notification & Alert Eval Rules Function
As of December 2016 enhancements were made to the Alerts Notification and Alert Eval Rules functions in POWER.
Please review the changes found under the Alert Eval Rules and Alerts Notification menu items. Note that this function is only available to Program Director and Administrative Coordinator roles in POWER.
For any questions please contact the POWER Helpdesk at