POWER Help - Communications for Administrators and Program Directors

(work in progress - see power help site)

TES Report Enhancement – April 2021

The POWER Helpdesk is delighted to inform you that the POWER Teachers Effectiveness Score (TES) report has been enhanced to merge more training sessions to generate TES reports. Currently the report only combined TES results for the last 2 or 3 training sessions. The TES reports merge function now includes the following options to select from: Merge Last 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 3, 2 Training Sessions. Please click on the above link for more information on this update.


The requirement for all IMGs to have an Pre-Entry Assessment, in advance of being granted a Postgraduate Education license for either residency or fellowship, is a requirement of the CPSO.  In Ontario, the Pre-Entry Assessment takes two forms: a PEAP for international residents and fellows, or an Assessment Verification Period (AVP) for IMGs matched to residency positions through CaRMS.  Both the PEAP and the AVP are intended to meet the registration regulation requirements of the CPSO. Please refer to PEAP and AVP in POWER for more details.

Annual Evaluation Summary Report

The Annual Evaluation Summary report was modified in August 2019.  It is now called the Trainee Assessment Summary report (TAS).  Please refer to the November 2019 POWER Newsletter for details.

Alert Notification Process

Evaluations, that meet conditions placed on them by the program, are placed in the Alerts Notification report.  A process is required to be followed by the programs who receive alerts notifications from the POWER system.  Please refer to the November 2019 POWER Newsletter for details.

The Rotation Effectiveness Score (RES)

The RES report has been updated to generate reports by your program’s internal learners only or by external learners on their off-service rotation within your program. In addition, RES reports can now be saved and printed in PDF format. Please refer to the March 2021 POWER Newsletter POWER Newsletter for Program Directors & Administrators March 2021 for details.

Removal of ITAR Alert Rule

The standard ITAR alert rule placed on the Learner Handover question “Needs: Are there any areas that need focused work in the next rotation?” has been removed for all programs. Please refer to the March 2021 POWER Newsletter POWER Newsletter for Program Directors & Administrators March 2021 for details.

For further assistance, please contact the POWER Helpdesk at power.help@utoronto.ca or 416-978-8399.