POWER Help - Learners - Trainee Screen Evaluation Forms (work in progress see Power helpsite)

Trainees’ POWER Evaluation Forms Screen

Trainee evaluation process involves the following:

  1. Trainee’s rotation is entered into POWER by their Program Administrators;
  2. One teacher is assigned to each trainee’s rotation;
  3. The In-Training Evaluation Report (ITER) or In-Training Assessment Report (ITAR) is sent to the assigned teacher via an email with a direct link to the form, once logged into POWER.
  4. For each rotation, the trainee is sent both a Teaching and a Rotation evaluation via emails with direct links to the forms, once logged into POWER;
  5. If the ITER/ITAR is completed by the assigned teacher, the trainee is able to view the evaluation, add any comments, agree or disagree with the evaluation, acknowledge that he/she has reviewed the evaluation, and submit the form.

Depending on the program’s settings, trainees can receive their ITER/ITAR without first completing a teaching and rotation evaluation. In addition, regardless of whether the ITER/ITAR has been completed by the assigned teacher, the trainee can see who has been assigned to the evaluation. If the evaluation does not appear at all then no teachers have been assigned to the ITER/ITAR yet.

Trainees’ POWER login information is provided by the Postgraduate Medical Education Office. Trainees who are logging into POWER for the first time must enter their given PIN and Password along with their Student ID and birth date.

The menu options: Evaluation Forms, Rotation Schedule, Teaching Effectiveness Score, and Case Logs are tied to trainees rotations and corresponding evaluations; most of the rest are tied to trainees registration information.

Evaluation Forms Function

Clicking Evaluation Forms provides the trainee with a list of all evaluation forms for the specific Training Session. Trainees who are not registered in the current Training Session can view evaluations from previous sessions.

The default screen displays all outstanding evaluations. Outstanding Teaching and Rotation evaluations appear with the yellow ‘NEW!‘ icon.  Changing the ‘View Evaluations‘ parameter to ‘All‘ will display all outstanding and completed evaluations as shown below.

Trainee Evaluations

Trainee ITER/ITARs are displayed as shown below.  When the assigned teacher completes the trainee evaluation, the evaluation appears with the rotation information and to the right with the ‘Sign-Off‘ icon.

Learner Evaluation Screen

To view the completed Trainee evaluation, clicking ‘View Form‘ next to the form brings up the evaluation along with the Teacher’s ratings.

Trainees must sign-off their completed form by clicking the ‘Sign-Off‘ button next to the form.  This will display a screen where the Trainee would enter any comments, and check off three questions as shown below.

Learner Evaluation screen

Once the form is submitted the teacher who completed the form will be able to see the trainee’s comments and the agreement/disagreement with the evaluation.

For trainee evaluations that have not been completed by the assigned teacher or have not been assigned at all, a red circle with an exclamation mark appears to the right of the rotation information, as shown below.  Hovering over the each symbol displays the definition.

Learner Evaluation

Teaching Evaluations:

Teaching Evaluations

A drop down list of teachers may be provided from where the Trainee can select Teachers to evaluate. The Trainee selects one Teacher and then clicks ‘NEW!’ next to the evaluation form to begin the evaluation process.  If a Teacher is not on the list to evaluate then please contact your Program Administrator for assistance.

Once the form has been started, if the Trainee wishes to complete it at a later time, clicking [Save] saves the form and displays it in the ‘…continue‘ status.

Clicking Submit completes the evaluation process and the form appears in ‘Done‘ status. The form can no longer be edited.

The Teaching evaluation form does not display the trainee’s name – they appear completed anonymously.

Evaluations have a specific number of days in which they must be completed, the default being 365 days, however the program can set their own deadline.  Once the deadline has passed the yellow ‘NEW!’ symbol will turn to red colour.  Evaluations can be re-opened by the Program Administrator.

Rotation Evaluations:

Rotation evaluations

Trainee’s complete only one Rotation evaluation per rotation. Clicking the ‘NEW!‘ symbol next to each evaluation begins the process. Once the form is submitted, it will appear in ‘Done‘ status. Once submitted, forms cannot be edited.

For Multi-Site rotations, trainees can complete a rotation evaluation for each subrotation/site that they rotated through.  In the screen shot above the rotation is a multi-site one with 4 subrotations at different locations.  Trainees can complete one rotation evaluation and copy the answers to the rest of the subrotation forms and then edit each evaluation individually. It is not necessary to complete subrotation rotation evaluations for sites not trained at.

For any issues with the above please contact the PGME POWER Helpdesk at power.help@utoronto.ca.