POWER Help - Manage Forms - Alerts Eval Rules

work in progress-see POWER helpsite for info

alerts eval rules menu

The Alerts Eval Rules function is found under ‘Manage Forms‘, ‘Alerts Eval Rules‘ menu items.  This is where rules/conditions are specified for each evaluation type.

Evaluations, that meet the rule(s)/condition(s) placed on them, are identified in email notifications that are sent Saturday mornings.  Emails are sent to the Program Director and Administration Coordinator(s) of the program.  The captured evaluations are then added to the Alerts Notification Report screen where they can be viewed by the Program Director and/or Program Administrator.

As of late 2016 the alerts function was enhanced to capture rotation and teaching evaluations completed by external trainees. The Alerts Notification Report screen displays the captured evaluations in their appropriate colour (green for external trainees, orange for trainees on external rotations).

Trainees on external rotations complete rotation and teaching evaluations owned by the external program.  Should a trainee’s completed rotation and/or teaching evaluations meet a rule(s) set on those evaluations then the external program’s rule will appear on the trainee’s program Alert Eval Rules screen.   Both internal and external Program Directors and Administrative Coordinators will receive email notifications on the captured evaluations.

As of November 2018 the alerts function can set conditions on yes/no questions.  Previously conditions were placed only on rating type of questions.

To add a rule/condition, from the Alerts Eval Rules screen, click  ‘Add New‘ at the top of the screen.

As an example, we will be setting a rule for trainee evaluations (ITERs) only where we want to capture all ITERs where a trainee disagrees with their evaluation.  Under Form Elements column select the trainee evaluation you require and leave Group parameter as “All Groups” and Question parameter as “All Questions”.

Under the Rating/Answer column, click on the check box next to “trainee disagrees”, and then click ‘Save’.

not arrows

The system will then watch out for trainee evaluations that meet this rule/condition.

Below is an example of the General Surgery program’s Alerts Eval Rules screen that includes an alert set for the Internal Medicine program’s rotation evaluation.  This is because a Gen Surg trainee was on an Internal Medicine rotation and the trainee’s rotation evaluation was flagged as one that met Internal Medicine program’s rotation evaluation alert rules.

alert eval rules

The external program’s alert cannot be removed unless the evaluation is removed from the Alerts Notification Report screen.

In the second example below, an alert is being setup for a binary (yes/no) question.

alert eval rule binary question

When the question selected has an answer of  No this will trigger an alert email and the evaluation will be found in the Alerts Notification Report.

Note: should you require assistance with setting up an alert please do not hesitate to contact the help desk.