POWER Help - Manage Forms - Eval Forms

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Eval Forms

Eval Form screen is where all evaluation forms, active and inactive, that belong to the program, reside. The screen displays every single evaluation form that was uploaded to POWER for the program.

The screen is displayed by evaluation type, that is, Evaluation of Trainee (also known as ITER (In-Training Evaluation Report), Rotation Evaluation, and Evaluation of Teaching.

eval forms

To view/print a blank evaluation form simply click the magnifying glass found at the right end side of the evaluation form.

Uploading/modifying of evaluation forms is done by the PGME POWER Helpdesk. Please send a request to the Helpdesk for any changes required to an evaluation form.

New evaluations forms follow the process below:

The program must send requests for new evaluation forms to Khush Adatia, PGME User Support Services Supervisor at khushnoor.adatia@utoronto.ca.

The forms are required to be in MS Word format, include a 5 point rating scale and an Overall question at the bottom of the form.
For Trainee evaluation forms, rotation specific Goals and Objectives should accompany each evaluation form, in a separate MS Word file.

The items provided are sent to the PGME Education and Research Department for further review. Dr. Marla Nayar will be conducting the review and will contact the Program Director should any changes be required to the form.

PGME asks that Goals and Objectives per rotation be available in a public website. Each Trainee evaluation includes a hyperlink to this information in order to make them readily accessible to the Supervisors while completing Trainee ITERs.