POWER Help - Manage Rotations - Blocks

work in progress-see POWER helpsite for info


Rotation Blocks are used to determine the period of time a rotation can be assigned for. Blocks can be of any length and each program may have its own unique set of blocks.

Blocks are set per Training Session.


Each block is categorized by a Block Type which describes a period of time. For example a 1 month block can include all 1 month blocks for the Training Session.

Here is an example below:

block type

Prior to the beginning of each Training Session, PGME uploads to POWER the 13 week blocks used by Internal Medicine, along with the 1 month, 6 month, and 1 year calendar blocks. Once uploaded they can be accessible to each program.

To add the blocks to your program, follows the steps below:

Select the current Training Session and click the down arrow for Block Type to see a list of blocks;
Highlight the blocks that you require and you will see the individual blocks;

update block type

Click Add Block and the system will add them to your program;
If you would like to make changes to any of the block information then simply click on each block, make the changes, and click [Save].

To enter new blocks, without copying any over from the past Training Session, select the Training Session and click Add Block. Enter the Block Type name, eg. ’14-15 1 Month Standard’;
Next, enter the individual Rotation Blocks;
Once done click Update to save your changes.