POWER Help - Manage Rotations - Mid-Term Evals

work in progress-see POWER helpsite for info

Mid-Term Evals

If your program uses mid-term evaluations, the settings for mid-terms must be updated at every Training Session. Mid-term evaluations apply only to Learner evaluations/ITERs that are assigned to Teachers.

To set up mid-term evaluations follow the steps below:

Click [Manage Rotations], [Mid-Term Eval];
Select the new [Training Session];
Click [Add Mid-Term] and the following screen will appear.

mid term evals
mid term evals

Select the [Block Type] to get the following screen.

mid term 3

Select the Rotation Blocks and the system will automatically generate the Term Date which is the mid-point date; click [Save]. The Term Date can be changed if required. These steps are required for each Block Type that has mid-term evaluations.

Email notifications and reminders for mid-term evaluations can be setup under [Manage Rotations], [Settings] functions. At the bottom of the screen, click [Mid-Term].

mid term evals

The above Settings are similar to those for the final evaluations mentioned earlier. Once you have updated the Settings click [Save]. These Mid-Term settings cannot be specific to a Training Session nor to a Block Type.

Rotations using a block that is setup for a mid-term evaluation will receive a mid-term evaluation at the mid-point date.

If a specific evaluation is required for the mid-term of a rotation then it has to be mapped as a mid-term ITER. Please contact the PGME POWER Helpdesk if you require further details on the mid-term ITER.