POWER Help - Manage Rotations - Rotation Schedule by Block

work in progress-see POWER helpsite for info

Rotation Schedule By Block

The Rotation Schedule by Block feature displays a calendar of all internal and external Learners’ rotation schedule, in the program, and for the Training Session specified.

manage rotation schedule by block

Learner rotations must first be entered into POWER in order to see any rotation schedule results.

From the Rotation Schedule Trainee Search search screen, select from the criteria listed and click Search or select all to view all and click Search.

A screen with all Learners’ rotations will appear in a graph view.

rotation schedule trainee search

The left most column displays conflicts. if any found, with the corresponding rotation.

The second column displays the Learner’s name and program he/she is registered with for Postgrad.

The third column displays the Training Level of the Learner.

Within the graph each rotation is a link that takes you directly to the Learner’s rotation details within the Trainee Info screen.

Clicking your trainee’s rotation will take you back to the Trainee’s rotation schedule screen where you can make changes to  it.

The top of the table lists the legend for the colours used on each rotation.

Each rotation block is assigned a colour. See Legend below for an explanation on the colours.

rotation schedule by block legend

Blue: Represents a trainee within your program (Internal Trainee) assigned to a rotation hosted by your program (Internal Rotation Service);

Peach: Represents a trainee within your program (Internal Trainee) assigned to a rotation that belongs to another residency program (External Rotation Service).

Green: Represents a trainee from another residency program (External Trainee) taking a rotation hosted by your program (Internal Rotation Service).

Red Border: Represents a rotation with a conflict, such as overlapping days or under-utlized days.  The border surrounds the rotation.

Neon Blue: Represents a type of absence for that period of time, such as a maternity leave or vacation.

Export to Excel:  Exports the schedule to Excel.

For assistance with this function please do not hesitate to the PGME POWER Helpdesk at power.utoronto.ca or call 416-978-8399.