POWER Help - Manage Rotations - Rotation Services
work in progress-see POWER helpsite for info
Rotation Services
The Rotation Services menu option contains a list of the rotation services available for use by the program. Rotation services are assigned to trainees during their training year at Postgrad.
Rotation Services are managed by the PGME POWER Helpdesk. Requests to add, edit, or delete rotation services can be sent to the PGME POWER Helpdesk at
Rotation Services are unique to each program and can be setup as different Service Types, Format, and Services.

Service Types:
Standard Rotation Services:
Standard rotation services are assigned to learners that are on a rotation for a continuous block of time. For example, 1 month straight. They can be setup as either internal or external rotations.

Longitudinal Rotation Services:
Longitudinal rotation services are assigned to trainees that are on a rotation for a set pattern. For example, once a week.

Multi-Site Rotation Services:
Multi-Site rotation services are assigned to trainees that are rotating through more than one location/site for the same or different rotation during the same block of time.

Below are the subrotations or the template that is preset by the PGME Helpdesk, with the help of the Program Administrators. The template displays each rotation, referenced as a subrotation, and its location. These can be changed for each trainee without changing the preset template.
Note that subrotations can also have recurrence patterns (as in longitudinal rotations).

Core Rotation Services:
Core rotations are essentially mandatory rotations that the program’s Learners are required take as part of their Postgrad training.
Elective Rotation Services:
Elective rotations are normally non-core type of rotations. Learners are allowed to take optional rotations outside of their core rotations.
Internal Rotation Service:
Internal rotation services are essentially rotations that belong to the program. Usually core rotations can be considered internal rotations. For example, a General Surgery rotation would be considered an internal or core rotation to the General Surgery program.
Internal rotation services are setup within the program and the list of teachers that are assigned and evaluated for the rotation are derived from the same program’s Teacher list. In addition, evaluation forms used for the rotation reside in the same program.
External Rotation Services:
External rotation services are linked to an external program that is setup in the POWER system. External rotations are usually taught by another department or program in POWER. Such rotations can be considered elective type of rotations but not always. For example a General Surgery program may consider a Dermatology rotation to be an elective rotation for their trainees and therefore have it setup as an external rotation. The Dermatology rotation would be linked to the Dermatology program and to its Dermatology rotation or another rotation specifically for General Surgery trainees. The list of teachers that are assigned and get evaluated are derived from the Dermatology program. In terms of evaluation forms, the General Surgery program has the option to use forms from either program.

Once rotation services are added to POWER the program must ensure that an evaluation form is available for the rotation service and teachers who teach the rotation have this rotation setup in their Teacher profile in POWER.