Settings that determine when evaluations, e-mail notifications, and reminders are sent are found by selecting “Manage Rotations“, and then “Settings“.
The “Training Session“ and “Block Type“ drop-down menus allow you to create settings specific to a single academic session (July-June) and/or single block type (any block types set up for this residency program).
Note: Not selecting a particular training session and/or block will establish the settings chosen as the default settings for all.
E-mail notifications are sent to hospital/rotation co-ordinators to notify them to assign supervisors to learners’ rotations. A negative value means the email will be sent n number of days before the rotation end date; a positive value means the email will be sent n days after.
After a certain period of time reminder e-mails are sent to hospital/rotation co-ordinators if rotations have not yet been assigned to supervisors. This number indicates a reminder will be sent every 4 days until the rotation is assigned to a supervisor.
Reminder e-mails are sent if evaluations are still outstanding after a certain period of time. The period of time can be set for each type of evaluation.
The field sets the number of reminders to be sent. Leaving the field blank will cause reminders to be sent until the evaluations have been completed or the deadline date to complete the evaluations has passed. A maximum number of reminders can be set for each type of evaluation.
This setting allows you to set the date evaluations are sent to teachers and trainees. A negative value means the email will be sent n number of days before the evaluation date; a positive value means the email will be sent n days after. A blank indicates the first day of the learner’s rotation.
For assistance with establishing settings, please do not hesitate to contact the help desk.