POWER Help - Manage Users - Add a Rotation Coordinator

work in progress-see POWER helpsite for info

Rotation Coordinator (RHC)

A Rotation Coordinator role is normally granted to hospital admin staff that are responsible for a rotation service(s) at one or multiple hospitals.  They can assign supervisors to your learners that are assigned at their hospital, for the rotation service(s) that the Rotation Coordinator is responsible for.  Their access is very limited.

Program Directors/Administrators can add/edit/delete users with a Rotation Coordinator role.

Rotation Coordinators can be restricted to view rotation schedules/trainee evaluations of PGYs Only or Fellows Only.

Adding a RHC to POWER:

Go to [Manage Users], [All Users];
Click [Add New] at the top right corner of the screen;
Enter the information required, do not enter any spaces before or after the text entered;
Click [Save];
Click [Add Role];
Select ‘Rotation Coordinator’;
Select the functions the user can have access to for the program and click [Save];
Next select the hospital the user is located at and the rotation service the user is responsible in assigning supervisors for and click [Add];

rotation coordinator

If the user is responsible for more locations and/or rotation services you may repeat the last step;

To notify the user of his/her pin and password, click ‘Notify user by e-mail’ next to the user’s email address, as shown below:

notify user

To leave the screen, click [Manage Users], [All Users].