POWER Help - Manage Users - Add a Teacher

work in progress-see POWER helpsite for info

Add a Teacher

To add a Teacher in your Users list you must first check to see if the rotation service the Teacher is responsible to teach is an internal or an external rotation service. Teachers should only be added to your program only for internal rotation services. For external rotation services, Teachers must be added to the external program’s Users list. In this case you would contact the appropriate Program Administrator for assistance or involve the POWER Helpdesk for guidance.

If the rotation service is internal then check to see if the Teacher already exists in your Users list. Do a “find” on the Teacher’s first or last name. If the Teacher is not found then he/she will need to be added.

Adding a Teacher to your program is handled by the PGME POWER Helpdesk. Please complete the ‘Request New Teacher’ form and submit it. Once submitted the POWER Helpdesk will enter the Teacher(s) on your behalf.

The ‘New Teacher Request‘ form is found at the top right of the Helpsite page or select submenu ‘Request New Teacher‘ and it will take you directly to the form.

If the teacher already exists in the program, click on the teacher’s name and then click the + sign next to TEACHER to add the hospital, site and rotation service for which he/she is responsible. Click “Add” to save.

Add a teacher

In the event the Teacher is found in the Program and his/her profile information is correct and complete there may be a problem with the learner’s rotation information. Make sure that the hospital and site are listed the same as is in the teacher’s profile.

For assistance with this function please do not hesitate to contact the help desk.

To add new Teachers to POWER please click the ‘Request New Teacher’ button found at the top right of the Helpsite webpage.

Fill in the information required for yourself and the Teacher(s) and hit ‘Submit’.

The POWER Helpdesk will receive your request and enter the Teacher(s) on your behalf and if necessary will contact you for any questions. The POWER Helpdesk will inform you once the Teacher(s) have been entered in POWER.

Should you have any questions please contact the POWER Helpdesk at power.help@utoronto.ca or 416-978-8399.

Request New Teacher Request Form