POWER Help - Reports - Alerts Notification
work in progress-see POWER helpsite for info
Alerts Notification
Note: As of late 2016 the Alerts Notification report has been enhanced to include rotation and teaching evaluations of your trainees (internal) assigned to external rotations and external (off-service) trainees assigned to rotations linked to your program.
Both the Program Director (PD) and Program Administrator (PA) of the program hosting the rotation and the Program Director and Program Administrator of the trainee’s program will receive the same email notification alerting of the evaluation.
External trainees’ rotation and teaching evaluations, that meet the criteria of their program’s evaluation rules, will be displayed in the Alerts Notification report in green colour. You as the PD and PA can sign-off that you have reviewed their evaluations. The PD and PA of the program the trainee is with can also review the same evaluation of their trainee, however, cannot sign-off on the evaluation.
Below is an example of the General Surgery program seeing an evaluation of an external trainee (Thoracic Surgery). The external program’s rule is also displayed.

Under the Manage Forms, Alert Eval Rules screen, the evaluation rule of the external program will be listed along with your list of alerts.
Rotation and Teaching evaluations of your trainees on externally linked rotations, that meet your program’s evaluation criteria, will enable the system to send both you the PD and PA an email notification to alert you of the evaluation(s). In the Alerts Notification report the evaluations are displayed in orange text. You can review the evaluations but not sign-off on them. However the PD and PA of the program hosting the rotation can review and sign-off on your trainees’ external evaluations.
Below is an example of the Thoracic Surgery program seeing the same evaluation above of their trainee (Thoracic Surgery). The rule is also listed.

Under the host program’s Manage Forms, Alert Eval Rules screen, the evaluation rule of your program will be listed along with their evaluation alert rules.
The Evaluation Alerts Notification function allows each residency program to specify rules which, when met, will send a notification to the program director or administration coordinator. These rules can apply to any one or a combination of existing evaluation forms in POWER. For more information on setting these alert notifications, please see the help page.
Evaluation forms that meet the conditions of the rule/s are displayed under “Reports“, “Alerts Notification“.
Alerts Evaluations Report screen contains 3 search criteria: Training Session, Rule and Eval Form Type.

Training Sessions: allows you to select past or present sessions.
Rule: the number of the rule entered under the Alerts Eval Rules function.
Eval Form Type: Resident, Teaching, or Rotation evaluations.
If there were no forms that met the conditions of the rule/s you will see the following message:

To view an evaluation form, click the magnifying glass next to the form.

To view the recipients of the alerts notifications, click Tasks, Email Log from the main menu.
A screen will appear displaying the recipients. Recipients may receive notifications for multiple types of evaluation forms.