POWER Help - Reports - Eval Status

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Eval Status

Eval Status

The Eval Status function enables program directors and admin coordinators to view statistics of In-Training Evaluation Reports (ITERs), teaching, and rotation evaluations for each of their rotation services.

To access the eval status function, click “Reports“, “Eval Status“.

In-Training Evaluation Reports (ITER)

To view completion statistics on ITERs, select your criteria from the options at the top of the screen and then click “Search“. Note: make sure you are in the Evaluation of Trainee tab.

Eval Status

Completion of ITERs is displayed in percentage format. The percentage completed is a result of the “No. of Resident Completions” value divided by “No. of Assignments” value.

Rotation Evaluations

To view the status on rotation evaluations, click the “Rotation Evaluation” button.

Completion of rotation evaluations is displayed in percentage format. The percentage completed is a result of the “No. of Resident Completions” value divided by the “No. of Residents” value.

Eval Status

Teaching Evaluations

To view the status on teaching evaluations, click the “Evaluation of Teaching” button.

The example below displays the teaching evaluations completed for the General Surgery – Acute Care rotation service. The total number of residents listed for this rotation is 17. The ‘No. of Assignments’ is the number of ITERs the teacher is assigned to. The ‘No. of Resident Completions’ is the number of teaching evaluations completed by residents for that teacher for the rotation. Note that teachers do not have to be assigned to an evaluation to be able to have a teaching evaluation completed on them.

Eval Status

For assistance with this function please do not hesitate to contact the help desk.