POWER Help - Reports - Executive Reporting
work in progress-see POWER helpsite for info

Executive Reporting
Executive Reports provides users with the tools to extract, view and manipulate data from their program’s trainee, teaching and rotation evaluation forms. The executive reporting function is available to program directors and administration coordinators.
To access the executive reports select “Reports“, and then “Executive Reports” from the main menu.
To see a list of the reports available for your program select “Public Bookmarks“.

The “Cube” column lists the cubes that contain the raw data stored for each type of evaluation form. For example, the “Rotation Eval Status” cube contains data which can be manipulated to produce reports related to the number of rotation evaluation forms generated, and the number of rotation evaluation forms completed by learners in POWER.
The “Report” column displays the reports that have been built using the data found in the specific cube. The “Date” column displays the date the report was created. The “Creator” column displays the name of the user who created the report.
Standard Executive Cubes
The following six cubes are available to each program:
- Resident Eval Data
- Resident Eval Status
- Rotation Eval Data
- Rotation Eval Status
- Teaching Eval Data
- Teaching Eval Status
To view the data in any report, click on the report name.

All reports are composed of four sections:
- Toolbar
- Dimension List
- Data Grid
- Navigation Arrows

Enables you to complete basic functions such as saving the report, transforming the text display to a bar, pie, or line graph, displaying null values, and displaying a specific number of rows and columns on the screen.
Dimension List
The dimension selection list is distinct to each cube. Dimensions allow you to filter data and narrow down to a more specific level of detail.
For example in the screen shot below 2008-2009 has been selected for ‘Training Session’, so only data from that period is displayed.

A second method of filtering is to click on the dimension name in the data grid. This will open a new window with all the available values. Select the values to apply; note it is possible here to make multiple selections. Dimension filters applied in this way can be removed by clicking on the dimension name and then selecting “Clear All“. Remember to click “Submit” to apply any changes.

Dimensions can also be added, removed or changes using the magic wand function, as shown below.

Nesting dimensions allows you to create sub-dimensions within a dimension. Multiple levels of sub-dimensions are possible.

For instance in the screen shot below, Each training session is now divided by training level. This adds a new column to the data.

Note: To remove the dimensions use the “Remove Dimension” option.

Data Grid
The data grid applies the dimensions and retrieves the data.
Navigation Arrows
The navigation arrows are used to scroll vertically and horizontally through the data grid. The number of rows and columns displayed in the data grid are set by the values selected in the horizontal and vertical displays on the toolbar.

Click the “Print Preview” tab to display the report. This screen enables you to save, print, create a PDF, export, and/or format reports.

Note: When saving if you want to overwrite an existing report ensure the “Overwrite” box is checked.