The Rotation Effectiveness Score report provides a summary of all rotation evaluations completed by Learners per rotation(s), and/or per training session(s).
To access this report, click Reports, then Rotation Effect. Score.
The Rotation Effectiveness Score (RES) report can be generated by Training Session, Rotation Service, Location, and/or Trainee Type (Internal or External trainees only). Once you select your criteria click Search.
The screen shot below is the result of the selected criteria: 2020-2021 rotation evaluations for the Anaesthesia [Standard] rotation, at any location, and completed by Internal trainees only.
RES reports can also be printed and/or saved in PDF format. To save or print selected reports, under the Select column check the box to the right of each report, then click the PDF button found at the top. To save or print all reports click Select All from the top then PDF.
See screen shot below. The Rotation Service displays the rotations used in the program. The blue highlighted row displays the Overall score of each rotation. Clicking the score brings up the summary report. The summary report includes rotation evaluations completed on the selected rotation at all hospitals that the rotation took place at.
Note that a minimum number of completed evaluations is required in order for the system to generate an RES report. A message will appear should enough evaluations not be found. Information on setting the minimum number of completed rotation evaluations for each training session, including the base max for calculating the average can be found here.
Below is the summary RES report generated using the criteria above. The heading notes that the evaluations are completed by Internal Trainees only. The overall value that you previously clicked on is picked up from the Overall Rating score shown in the report.
A legend is provided to explain the report further.
Evaluations: Total number of completed rotation evaluations for the rotation selected; includes all locations that the rotation took place at.
Note that the evaluation form used must be the same in order for the system to generate one RES report for a rotation.
To view the RES report by individual hospitals, click the Overall Score for the hospital you require as shown in the screen shot below.
Below is the generated RES report for the selection above:
The overall score that you clicked prior to receiving this report is picked up from the Overall Rating score under the Average column.
A legend explains the column scores in more details.
For assistance with this function please do not hesitate to contact the PGME POWER Helpdesk at