The Annual Evaluation screen contains the Annual Evaluation Learner reports that require reviewing of and comments from the assigned person, usually the Program Director or someone with Admin Coordinator access.
The Annual Evaluation report is found by clicking Tasks, Annual Evaluation from the menu options.
The Annual Evaluation report is an aggregated report of Learner evaluations for the rotations that the Learner completed for the specified period of time.
The report is generated from the Admin Annual Eval function and once assigned will appear in the assigned person’s POWER screen under the Annual Evaluation function. An email notification will also be sent to inform the person of the report.
The person assigned to it must click the yellow ‘New!’ icon to access the report, enter any comments and then Submit it. Once submitted the report will automatically be sent to the Learner’s POWER screen along with an email notification to review it, comment on it, and submit it.
For any help with clarity on the above report please do not hesitate to contact the PGME POWER Helpdesk.