POWER Help - Tasks - Trainee Assessment Summary (TAS) Report(formerly Annual Evaluation Report)

work in progress-see POWER helpsite for info

Trainee Assessment Summary (TAS) Report

The Trainee Assessment Summary (TAS) report is formerly known as the Annual Evaluation Summary (AES) report.  The report was modified and renamed on July 2019.

TAS report can be generated via the Tasks – Create Trainee Assessment Summary menu options.    For those assigned to this report, the report can be accessed via Tasks – Trainee Assessment Summary menu options.

The previous AES report displayed mean scores, by CanMEDS role plus an Overall mean average.  See the AES report details below.

The new TAS report provides the following:

  • Mean of the Overall Rating score on a 5-point scale.
  • A section for flagged responses that will display answers to binary (Yes/No) progress questions, set up in your program Alert rules. If they meet an alert rule then they are considered flagged and should be listed in this section.
  • The Flagged Responses and Comments sections will display the combined information for multiple rotations using the same form.

NOTE if you see any Overall Scores displaying scores of 0.00, please contact the POWER Helpdesk for assistance.

Trainee Assessment Summary (TAS) Report
Example of a TAS Report

Transition Period of Reports

The AES report format will be in place for the 2018-2019 session and prior. The reports for 2019-2020 and going forward will display the new TAS format. Due to the change in formats, reports for the 2018-2019 and past training sessions cannot be newly generated or modified, however, they will be viewable and printable.

To generate past AES reports please contact Khush at khushnoor.adatia@utoronto.ca.

All other processes involved in generating/assigning this report will remain as was in the AES report, as noted below:

  • The report can be assigned to anyone with Program Director or Administration Coordinator roles in the program.
  • The Evaluation Period can be any start/end dates, however, within the same training session.
  • The Evaluation Date is the date the TAS report is sent online to the assigned PD/AC, however is overridden by the TAS Evaluation E-mail Send Lag(+)/Lead(-) Time (days) setting.
  • Trainees will receive the online TAS report once the assigned PD/AC submits it from their POWER screen.
  • The last step involves the trainee submitting their TAS report online.
  • When generating and assigning a TAS report, the parameters selected can be applied to selected or all trainees in the program, using the Apply (add to) to option/button.

Once a staff member has been assigned to a TAS report, you can keep track of the status of the sign-off process by viewing the dates under the following headings:

  • The Email Superv heading shows the date the email notification was sent to the assigned staff to inform him/her there is a TAS report that needs to be reviewed.
  • The Complete Superv heading shows the date the assigned staff signed off on the report.
  • The Email Res heading shows the date the email notification was sent to the learner, advising him/her  that a TAS report has been completed and can now be reviewed.
  • The Complete Res heading shows the date the learner signed off his/her TAS report.  This is the last step in this process.

To display/print the report, click on the magnifying glass next to the appropriate evaluation.

Annual Evaluation Summary (AES) Report (in use prior to July 2019)

This is just an FYI in case you have past AES reports and interested in learning the details of the report.  This report cannot be generated any longer (July 2019 onwards).  However, should you require historical AES reports to be generated then please contact Khush Adatia at PostMD (khushnoor.adatia@utoronto.ca).

Annual evaluations are summary reports of each learner’s completed evaluations. This report is most commonly used to review the learner’s rotations for the entire training session, however it can be used to review any period of time and can cross over training sessions.  Note: establishing settings for the admin annual evaluation is the responsibility of the administration coordinator.

Scheduling Annual Evaluations

It is necessary to specify the annual evaluation period, specific to the learner, and to assign the individual who will review the evaluation. The assigned person can be the program director, the administration coordinator or a supervisor, each of whom must be from the same residency program as the learner.

To begin, select “Tasks“, and then “Admin Annual Eval” from the menu.

Select the Training Session and specify any other selection criteria as required, then click “Search“.  Note: you will need to click “Search” even if you have not changed any search criteria. All learners with rotations are displayed, along with their training date(s) for the training session selected.  Click the yellow plus sign next to the learner to set up the annual evaluation period.

Trainee Assessment Summary (TAS) Report

The evaluation period defaults to the session start and end dates, you may, however, set up any reasonable start and end date. All rotations that have a start or end date that fall within the evaluation period will be included in the annual evaluation report.

By default notifications sent to staff assigned to review the evaluations are sent on the evaluation period end date. Note: This date, if changed, overrides the Evaluation E-mail Send Lag(+)/Lead(-) Time (days) setting.

Under the Eval heading, the green Done represents a completed trainee evaluation form (ITER) for the learner selected. The red Outstanding represents an incomplete trainee evaluation form. If all the rotations contain the red Outstanding then an annual evaluation is not generated for this learner.

Trainee Assessment Summary (TAS) Report

To apply the evaluation period to other learners, click on the checkbox next to their name in the far right column and the click “Apply (add) to“.

Remember to click “Save” after setting up the evaluation period.

Assigning the Annual Evaluation

The next step is to assign the person who will be responsible for signing off the annual evaluations on behalf of the residency program.

Click on the yellow plus sign under “Assignment” to make your selection.

Trainee Assessment Summary (TAS) Report

On the next screen, select from the supervisor list. The supervisor list consists of program directors, admin coordinators, and/or supervisors who have the annual evaluations function enabled in their POWER profile.

To assign the same individual to other learners, click on the checkbox next to the appropriate learners’ names in the far right column and the click “Apply (add) to“.

Trainee Assessment Summary (TAS) Report

In the example shown below, Dr. Heather Shapiro is assigned to Daniel Kreichman’s annual evaluation.

Trainee Assessment Summary (TAS) Report

Once a staff member has been assigned to an annual evaluation, you can keep track of the status of the sign-off process by viewing the dates under the following headings:

  • The Email Superv heading shows the date the email notification was sent to the assigned staff to inform him/her there is an annual evaluation that needs to be reviewed.
  • The Complete Superv heading shows the date the assigned staff signed off on the annual evaluation.
  • The Email Res heading shows the date the email notification was sent to the learner, advising him/her  that an annual evaluation has been completed and can now be reviewed.
  • The Complete Res heading shows the date the learner signed off his/her annual evaluation.

To display/print the annual evaluation, click on the magnifying glass next to the appropriate evaluation.

Assigned Staff Screen

Staff can see what annual evaluations they have been assigned by selecting “Tasks” and then “Annual Evaluations” from the main menu.  Clicking on “Details” will display the learner’s rotations. Clicking the yellow “NEW!” icon will display the annual evaluation report.

Trainee Assessment Summary (TAS) Report

Selecting “Go to Sign Off” in the report will bring up a screen where the assigned staff can enter comments and submit the evaluation. Once submitted, the evaluation is sent to the learner.

For assistance with this function please do not hesitate to contact the help desk.