POWER Help - Trainee Info -Add Trainee Rotations
work in progress-see POWER helpsite for info

Adding Trainee Rotations
The Trainee Info function consists of Trainees’ rotation schedules. Rotations are entered, edited, or deleted in this section.
Clicking the ‘Trainee Info’ function will display the Trainee Search screen;
You can search all trainees or filter as required;

At the next screen, the trainees filtered in the previous screen, will be listed;
Check off the trainees you want to enter/view rotations for or Select All to view all;
At the Trainee Information – Initial View screen one trainee will be displayed at a time along with the trainee’s rotation information;
Click Next to view the next trainee on the list.

Beside is an explanation of each Tab on the screen:
Trainee Info displays some registration related information on the trainee;
Rotations displays rotations entered for the trainee. Under it are 2 tabs: Rotation Schedule and Vacation/Absence tab.
The Rotation Schedule tab displays the following tabs:
Add Rotation – to enter individual trainee rotations;
History – collects historical information of each rotation, such as adds/edits/deletes;
Graph – displays the trainee’s rotations in a graph format;
List – displays the trainee’s rotations in a list format;
Conflicts – notes any conflicts generated from rotations entered, eg. an under utilized rotation symbolizes missing rotation information for a period of time;
Print Schedule – generates a page that includes a summary of the trainee’s registration information along with the rotations assigned to the trainee;
The Vacation/Absence tab enables the entry of vacation/absence days for the trainee. The days will show up in the rotation schedule in a turquoise blue colour however will not cause a conflict in terms of over allocation of days.
Note: Official leaves/absences that are required to be reported to PGME, such as, maternity/paternity leaves, are automatically updated on trainees’ rotation schedules. No need to add them via the Vacation/Absence tab.

Add a Rotation
Add a Standard Rotation
Add a Longitudinal Rotation
Add a Multi-Site Rotation
Add a Standard Rotation:
Click Add Rotation;
Rotation Service Type – select Standard;
Rotation Service – select from the list;
Rotation Format (if available in both Core and Elective) – select one;
Location – select from location registry – if missing then contact the POWER Helpdesk;
Block – once selected the Start/End Dates will automatically be populated
Eval Settings – If any evaluation (ITER, Rotation, Teaching) is not required, check it off here.
Click Save to save the rotation.
The rotation will appear on both the Graph and List view.

Add a Longitudinal Rotation:
Click Add Rotation;
Rotation Service Type – Select Longitudinal;
Rotation Service – Select from list;
Rotation Format (if available in both Core and Elective) – Select one;
Location – Select a location. If the location does not exist please contact the POWER Helpdesk;
Block – once selected the Start/End Dates will automatically be populated
Duration – Select whether the trainee will be doing the rotation at that site half or full day
Recurrence – Set the days the trainee will be on the rotation/site. Eg. 1/wk, twice/mthly, 1st day of every month, etc… See below on how to make changes to the pattern/dates.
Eval Settings – If any evaluation (ITER, Rotation, Teaching) is not required, check it off here.
Click Save to save your rotation.

The Recurrence pattern can be changed if need be. If the pattern has been set by the system the screen will display the days involved in the pattern.
To add more days click the Add new date section, select a day and click Add.
To delete days click the trash can next to the day you want to remove.
To change the pattern entirely click Update and Regenerate and select the pattern you prefer.
Click Done once you have selected your dates/pattern.

Once the rotation has been saved the longitudinal rotation will appear with blue and white stripes indicating it is longitudinal.
If you click the calendar in the striped box you will see the days selected for the rotation.

Add a Multi-Site Rotation:
Click Add Rotation;
Rotation Service Type – Select Multi-Site;
Rotation Service – Select from list;
Rotation Format (if available in both Core and Elective) – Select one;
Location – Select a multi-site template – if none exists then contact the POWER Helpdesk to set one up;
Block – once selected the Start/End Dates will automatically be populated

Click Sub-rotations to view/edit the sub-rotations template setup for the multi-site template selected;
To Edit a sub-rotation click the paper/pen icon next to a sub-rotation, make changes and click ‘Update’ to save the changes;

Click Update then Close to close off the sub-rotation template;
Click Save to save any changes to the rotation;
The rotation will appear on in Graph view as shown below. The subrotations indented.