Jan 30, 2024

Announcements, Opportunities & Congratulations

The PGME Post

January 2024

2024 Postgraduate Research Awards – Call for Submissions

Submissions are now open for the 2024 Postgraduate Research Awards. The purpose of these awards is to provide financial assistance to students engaged in medical research.

Key Guidelines for the PGME Research Awards

  • Most awards are for Postgraduate Trainees (MDs) registered with the University of Toronto PGME office. Awards will range from $500 to $12,500.
  • A small number of awards are for graduate students, who are doing medical research and are registered with the University of Toronto, School of Graduate Studies. Awards will range from $50 to $1,300.
  • All applications will be reviewed. The top ranked applicants will be assigned funding.
  • The research funding awarded from this competition is for future research, to be completed in the following academic year (July 1 to June 30).
  • Funds (prize money) will be paid in 12 equal monthly installments, with the first payment commencing in December.
  • Applicants must be supported by their Supervisor and Chair where they will be conducting their research.
  • Incomplete applications will be discarded without consideration.

Learn more or submit your application on the Judgify platform.

Change in Fellowship Remuneration as of January 1, 2025

Changes to the fellowship remuneration structure at the University of Toronto will come into effect January 1, 2025. These changes are part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing the fellowship experience and ensuring transparency, consistency, and equity across all programs.


In alignment with our strategic goals, clinical fellows’ remuneration will undergo an adjustment. The minimum compensation will be at the PGY3 level. This decision reflects a re-evaluation of the 2011 FEAC recommendation, which anchored the recommended minimum fellow salaries to the PGY1 level. The adjustment aims to address evolving roles, responsibilities, and living costs in Toronto.

Summary of Changes:

  1. Minimum Salary Adjustment: The minimum salary for clinical fellows will now reflect the shift to a PGY3 level, ensuring fair compensation.
  2. Review Process for Part-Time Contracts: All part-time contracts will undergo a review process, requiring approval from the Vice Chair, Education, or their delegate. As a part of this review, it’s essential to provide a rationale for the part-time arrangement, attached is a templated letter designed for Vice Chairs to approve all part-time fellowships.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding during this transition. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Veronica Marrone, Project Manager, Fellowships, at veronica.marrone@utoronto.ca.

PG Learner Reappointments are due February 23, 2024

Reappointments are completed annually for all residents and fellows who are returning for any amount of time in the next academic year. The Reappointment Process is completed through POWER; administrators will need to ensure they have signed in using their POWER Registration Pin & Password. If you do not have access to POWER Registration and will be responsible for your program/department’s reappointments, please contact Toni Jarvis.

PLEASE NOTE – Some Departments have identified one person responsible for reappointments. For Pediatrics, please contact Victoria Snell at victoria.snell@sickkids.ca or Savannah Clancey at savannah.clancey@sickkids.ca For Surgery, please contact Violetta Sochka at violetta.sochka@utoronto.ca; For Medicine Fellowship reappointments, please contact Jennifer Fischer at fellowships.medicine@utoronto.ca

Important reminders

  • The on-line re-appointment function in POWER allows you to take a group of your 2023-2024 trainees by training level and re-appoint them to the next level in 2024-2025.
  • Changes in funding sources and multiple training lines (Leave of Absence, CIP, split training levels, work permit expiry date etc.) must also be recorded.
  • For residents who are off cycle for any reason (e.g., remediation, leave) please check with your Program Director to ensure the resident is re-appointed for the correct progression date and at the correct training level (e.g. regarding possible make-up time resulting in delay of progression.)
  • Once your re-appointments are complete, please review them before clicking the SUBMIT button to send to PGME (please email Anna or Toni once you have submitted). After review/approval, PGME will produce Letters of Appointment.
  • Reappointments are completed in POWER Registration; if you require access, please contact toni.jarvis@utoronto.ca

Learners On Work Permits

As of December 8, 2023, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is reporting an average processing time for a work permit extension of 17 days for a paper application and 130 days for an online application. These dates are subject to change and timelines may increase without warning (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/temp.asp). Confirmation of the reappointment must reach PGME by January 2024 to ensure the visa trainee will be able to obtain a renewed work permit and continue training without interruption on July 1, 2024. Please provide PGME with a hard copy of the reappointment form, educational goals and objectives, copy of the trainee’s current passport (if applicable) and the $185 PGME visa administrative fee receipt for 2023-2024 submissions.