Aug 21, 2023

Systems Update: Elentra

The PGME Post

August 2023

Elentra Screenshot

Elentra is the electronic teaching and learning platform being used to capture and report on resident assessment in a Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME) curriculum. In this Newsletter we provide just-in-time news plus tips and tricks relating to Elentra for Program leadership and administrators.

Promoting residents post-CC meeting (confirming stage completion): For more information, please click here.

Re-setting an Expired Assessment (14 day Expiry Date): An EPA assessment therefore needs to be completed within 14- days of initiation, otherwise the assessment will become unavailable to both Learners and Assessors. The expiry date can be reset if needed, however, this function is only available to Program Directors and Administrators and should be used sparingly. For more information, please click here.

Creating Groups for Coaches and/or Academic Advisors: The Group feature in Elentra provides a faculty user with access to a Group of Learners’ dashboards. For example, the user may be a Site Director who requires access to the assessment data of a set of Learners rotating on their site. This feature may also be used by Academic Advisors for their assigned Learner(s). For more information, please click here.

Uploading Resources to Learners’ Dashboards: The Resources feature in Elentra allows you to post a link to the Learners’ CBME dashboard that may be helpful to them for completing assessments. For example, you may want to link to your program’s curriculum and assessment map. This link is accessible to all Learners in your program. For more information, please click here.

Assessment List View: This will change your view to a list view of all your assessments rather than cards. In this view you can sort your assessments by clicking on the headings (e.g. Delivery Date, Title, and Target Name). You can also change the Date Column to any of the options in the drop down menu: Delivery Date, Encounter Date, Completion Date (Only for ‘My Completed Tasks’), and Expiry Date. For more information, please see screenshot above.