Mar 25, 2024

OLA Spotlight: Staffing Update

The PGME Post

March 2024

There have been some temporary changes in the Office of Learner Affairs, Postgraduate Learner Affairs. Dr. Shaheen Darani has been appointed as Acting Director, Post Graduate Learner Affairs, and Dr. Jory Simpson has been appointed Acting Associate Director, Post Graduate Learner Affairs. Both Dr. Darani and Dr. Simpson are available to support and guide you in nurturing your well-being as you work toward reaching your potential and achieving your academic and professional goals.  They welcome you to explore the range of services and resources available in OLA and look forward to working with you to optimize your learning experience.  To book time with resources at OLA, you can complete our booking form or email us at

Dr. Darani pic
Dr. Simpson pic

Dr. Darani is a clinician educator and Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and forensic psychiatrist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).  She is the Director of Faculty Development in the Department of Psychiatry, past Site Director for Postgraduate Education at CAMH, and Associate Director of Postgraduate Learner Affairs/Wellness in the Office of Learner Affairs.  Nationally, Dr. Darani is a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Forensic Subspecialty Examination Board as well as the Specialty Committee in Psychiatry.  Internationally, she sits on the executive board of the Association for Academic Psychiatry.  Dr. Darani is an award-winning teacher and advocate for learners and is honoured to have the opportunity to continue to provide support to postgraduate learners and programs in the Acting Director role.  Congratulations, Shaheen.  We look forward to ongoing work with Shaheen in this new capacity.

Dr. Jory Simpson is a Surgeon-Teacher in the Department of Surgery and the Division Head of General Surgery at St. Michael’s Hospital.  He has had an active role in medical education in different capacities at both an Undergraduate and Postgraduate level.  These roles include: Director of Surgery in the MD Program, Breast Surgical Oncology Fellowship Director, and Lead for the Patient as Teacher Program.  He is also the recipient of multiple teaching and mentorship awards including the University of Toronto W.T. Aikins Award for Educational Innovation.  He is here to help learners overcome the many hurdles of Postgraduate training and assist in building resiliency with the goal to find further meaning and purpose in one’s chosen field.