2017-2018 PGMEAC
Agendas, Minutes & Attachments
March 23, 2018
At our March 23, 2018 meeting, the following was discussed:
- Translational Research Program J. Ferenbok gave an overview of the Translational Research Program. Please visit the Translational Research Program website for more details.
- The Academy of Resident Teachers (ART) proposal was reviewed by members and comments collected and forwarded to the ART program planning committee. G. Bandiera thanked everyone for their input.
- Resident Report – Four key items were shared: 1) A financial program called Tax Talk is offered by PARO; 2) A PARO rep will be speaking at the PGY1 Orientation reception on June 28th and a PARO social event will follow; 3) A full General Council meeting will be held today to elect next year’s president; 4) Call Room Issue: Sunnybrook has pledged funding for new call rooms, while issues at SMH and MSH are ongoing re call rooms that are difficult to access. It was noted that appropriately equipped facilities for breast-pumping have been requested.
- Postgraduate Administrators Advisory Committee (PAAC) B. Abankwah shared that the Program Administrators Appreciation Event will be moved to June. The PAAC Award nomination forms will be sent out shortly.
- COFM – Bill 148 Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act G. Bandiera noted that this Bill resulted in many changes to the Employment Standards Act (ESA) such as minimum wage, sick leave entitlement, etc. Unmatched Students were discussed. The MOHLTC is discussing the issue internally. HUEC – The Faculty Strategic Plan is still being developed with external consultants.The unmatched students continue to be a topic.The common badge issue was discussed. There seemed to be interest from the hospitals. The topic will be raised again at a future meeting.
- Internal Review Committee (RC) – L. Probyn presented the current status of the IRC activity. She indicated the new Institutional Accreditation Standards will be presented at the All Program Directors meeting on May 25th.
- CBME/BPEA G. Bandiera and S. Glover Takahashi presented 5 documents for approval prepared by the BPEA Advisory Committee to assist programs in CBME implementation. The documents provided templates and guidelines for the creation of Competency Committees, selecting assessors, providing timely assessment and feedback, disclosure of learner needs, and consideration of resident self-assessment.
- Transfer Principles Policy – L. Muharuma highlighted the comments received on the Transfer Guidelines. The document was accepted by members with the relevant edits and the final version will be posted on the website.
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) – Currently, the PG Office reimburses residents or the centres where the residents take their first ACLS training. If the program requires the resident to obtain re-certification, the program will pay for the course/reimburse the resident. If the hospital requires it for entry to a rotation, the hospital will pay for ACLS training.
- Global Health Day – B. Pakes presented an outline of the Global Health Education Initiative – a program for residents delivered via in-classroom modules by a variety of faculty and field experts. This year, the PG Global Health Day event will be held on Thursday, May 31st at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute at St. Michael’s Hospital from 12:30 to 5:00 pm, including lunch. All members are urged to attend and also encourage residents to attend.
- All PDs – G. Bandiera encouraged all PGMEAC members to attend the year-end All Program Directors and FM Site Directors meeting on Friday, May25th. Dr. Whiteside, former Dean will be giving the annual Mickle address, and awards will be presented.
- Date of Hospital Orientation – The hospital orientation date for incoming PGY1s will be the first working day after July 1st.
- CMPA Symposium Dates for the upcoming academic year are as follows (Family Medicine dates will be released shortly):
Tuesday, November 6th – Specialties
Thursday, November 8th – Specialties
Tuesday, March 5th – Specialties
Wednesday, March 6th – Specialties
- BPEA – Guidelines for Selection of Assessors, Raters
- BPEA – Appropriate Disclosure of Learner Needs
- BPEA – Competence Committee Minimum Guidelines
- BPEA – Guidelines for the use of Resident Self-Assessment in CBME (Assessment Programs)
- BPEA – Timing and processes for CBME Workplace assessments
- IRC Update
- CMPA dates for this academic year
- PGMEAC Meeting dates for 2018-19
- Global Health Day presentation
- Updated PGMEAC Membership list
February 23, 2018
- Agenda
- Minutes
At our February 23, 2018 meeting, the following was discussed:
- Resident Report C. Whyte Ulysse shared that the call room is still an issue, and there is no update since the last meeting, and will be brought to HUEC in March. Dr. Bernstein, Director of UG Clerkship is working on a plan that will be shared at HUEC as well.
- Postgraduate Administrators Advisory Committee (PAAC) shared that the Program Administrators Appreciation Event will be moved to June to accommodate scheduling conflicts that arose for the April date.The PAAC Award nomination forms will be sent out in the coming weeks.
- COFM AFMC – The AFMC released its report on the unmatched medical students and it included both a call for increased spots and the principle recommendation and an endorsement of the Toronto-derived BPAS report.
Transfer Agreements – it was reported that any changes that could add to the burden of call stipends would need to be reported to PGME and also delayed.
CBME Funds – MOH submission on who provided an analysis on cost factors that the program is responsible for is equivalent to 3 FTE/residents. PGME will need to factor that in and where the money will come from (hospital, Royal College, MOH?). IT/Admin support is a factor that will also need to considered based on program size.
Quota Allocation Process – MOH continues to be interested and would like more involvement in this process, COFM feels their level of involvement is sufficient at this time. It will be considered at future meetings.
Unmatched Students – PG is continuing work with the MOH to explore ways to resolution. Definitive answers will be shared once available. - BPEA shared an ITAR sample in follow up to the documents discussed at the previous meeting.
Competence Committee Minimum Standards – this new BPEA document was shared with the committee with the request for input to by March 8/18.
Appropriate Disclosure of Learners Needs – this new BPEA document was shared with the committee as well. Members were asked to review the document and send comments to by March 8/18. - Transfer Principles Policy – this policy is due for revision (last version was 2011). Committee members were asked to send their comments to by March 9/18.
- Registration Update – M. Morris presented on the registration process throughout the academic year, including important date reminders.The dates for the next CMPA Resident Symposium were provided as well.
- MCCEE NAC-OSCE Changes – L. Muharuma provided a brief summary of the changes to the MCCEE process. The most up-to-date information can be found online.
- Portal/Blackboard Changes – the University will be phasing out the current portal and replacing it with Quercus. Visit the Toolbox Renewal website more information on the new management system.
- UG Accreditation Standards – G. Bandiera reminded the committee that Residents as Teachers Module 1 must be completed by September of their first year. Another reminder that the Goals and Objectives need to be shared to the med students who are being taught by residents, and this is done by site (not program).
- Multi Source Feedback for Program Directors – A proposal from the Academy of Resident Teachers (ART) Program was shared with the committee. Members are asked to review and provide feedback on the proposal to by March 16/18.
January 26, 2018
At our January 26, 2018 meeting, the following was discussed:
- Reminder that 2018-19 Rotation Block Dates: will return to Monday start for rotation blocks as of July 2018.
- PGME Strategic Plan: was presented at All PDs in December and is awaiting next steps to keep in line with Faculty of Medicine strategic direction.
- Medicine R4 Match Results: C. Abrahams shared the history of this process. Historically the number of positions in match for medical subspecialties based on number of eligible PGY3s in Internal Medicine plus CMRs. Prior to 2014, a small number of unmatched trainees did PGY4 year of Internal Medicine. In recent years, there has been an increasing number of trainees opting for 4th year, and therefore, planning for envelope of positions for medical subspecialties affected by increased number of PGY4s in IM and funding limitations.
- Resident Report: H. Hussein reminded the committee of Resident Awareness Week on February 5 – 9, 2018. PARO will be hosting a few events including a spa day, and an AGO trip on February 7th. PARO encourages all residents to nominate deserving individuals and programs for the Excellence in Clinical Teaching Awards, Resident Advocate Award and Program Excellence Award. The deadline for nominations is Monday, January 29th, 9:00 am. If anyone would like more information about the awards you can point them to the PARO website. The Toronto PARO GC reps recently had a meeting with the PARO board and two resident concerns were discussed: access to call rooms while on home/buddy call and a possible healthy food delivery service. More information and next steps will be brought forward at the next PGMEAC meeting.
- Postgraduate Administrators Advisory Committee (PAAC): shared that working groups have begun work on their project streams. PAAC Award working group finalized and received approval from PAAC on Positive Achievement & Appreciation Certificate (PAAC) award. Requesting recommendation from PGMEAC on selection of a PD and a trainee to participate in the selection committee. PGME will share award nomination process with trainees shortly. Deadline for submission is March 16, 2018 and the award winner will be presented at the Program Administrators Appreciation Event in April.
- COFM Update: Return of Service policy changes: Eligible service to begin within one year (from 3 months) as they are no longer looking for repayment of salaries and benefits – only training co sts. Accommodations will be made for any extenuating circumstances (failure, injury, illness, etc), and deferrals can be granted one year at a time up to five years. The repayment amount will be pro-rated based on amount of training. In CBD Framework – must pass written to sit oral exam, with a minimum of 8 weeks between multiple choice written exams and oral and a minimum of 12 weeks between short answer and essay writtens and oral. Registration fees will increase as of July 1, 2018 from $700 to $735 and increase $35 annually thereafter until 2021.HUEC A. Kumagai presented a new Task Force for Valuing Clinical Teachers – more information to follow at a later date. AODA training to clinical faculty – the university’s AODA compliance office is required to fill any gaps if there are any. A survey has been sent to retrieve this information by February 5, 2018. PARO shared the issue of not having access to call rooms or not having call rooms available specifically for residents doing home call or buddy call. This has been discussed at HUEC with the recommendation for a “call room audit” to understand issues of access and peak capacity and will be discussed at the March meeting.
- IRC: The updated schedule was discussed including the planning of an External Review of the PGME Office and institutional standards likely for November 2018. The IRC and FM IRCSC decision numbers were reviewed.
- BPEA: EPA Overall Entrustment Rating scale and Assessment Tool Descriptors for Milestones were agreed upon in principle by PGMEAC members. PGMEAC also agreed on the general concept of ITARs and updating the PGME. Minimum Standards for Resident In Training Evaluation Reports document with a few changes to wording. An updated version of the will be shared at the next PGMEAC meeting. CBME: No updates at this time.
- BOE: Presented on the process of assisting residents in difficulty or residents on remediation.
- Process/Timelines for IM off-service rotations: were discussed by J. Goguen, reminding the group that all requests must be submitted via the ORBs system. Programs will receive notification of when the system will be open for this to be completed. It was stressed how important it is to submit data on the dates assigned by the DOM and only via ORBs – all other requests will not be accepted.
November 24, 2017
At our November 24, 2017 meeting, the following was discussed:
- 2018-19 Rotation Block Dates will return to Monday start for rotation blocks as of July 2018. The PGMEAC members unanimously voted in favour of this change.
- Unmatched Students G. Bandiera shared an update on the unmatched students matters. A survey has been sent to all PGY1 Program Directors from the AFMC Resident Matching Committee who produced a report which addresses measures to reduce the number of, and increase support to, unmatched CMGs. They have requested PGY1 program directors to provide input in a national consultation on the first three of the report’s recommendations. The results will be shared in the new year. Dr. Patricia Houston will be addressing this issue at the All PDs meeting on December 15th and sharing updates.
- Resident Report C. White Ulysse shared the date of Resident Awareness Week on February 5 – 9, 2018. PGME will distribute posters from rDOCS to the Medical Education offices for display in hospitals and encourage them to plan for this important week.
- Postgraduate Administrators Advisory Committee (PAAC) reported that a survey has been circulated to all PAs about their ICRE experience. The results will be shared at the next meeting. Also, two sub-committees to the PAAC have been formed: 1. Communication Working Group; 2. Program Administrator’s Award – more details to be shared in the new year.
- COFM – Return of Service repayment decision by MOH is that trainees will no longer have to repay their salary, but will have to cover infrastructure costs at a prorated fee. ACLS training when a program requires a resident(s) to re-certify, it will be the responsibility of the program to pay the fee. PGME will continue to cover the one-time initial fee.G. Bandiera and the PGME is working with colleagues to formulate a cost funding model which will be submitted to MOH for CBME Funding. More details in the new year. HUEC – PGME Trainee Health and Safety guidelines were approved at HUEC last week. The final guidelines will be distributed in the coming weeks and will be posted on the PGME website. VOTR Survey team were commended for their outstanding work on the progress in addressing issues and recommendations of working environments for residents.
- BPEA had their first meeting earlier in November. Work has begun, Terms of Reference were approved and updates will be shared at future PGMEAC meetings.
- CBME team will be sending an email to PDs asking for any significant changes that they may have regarding the traditional request for on or off-service rotations. This email will request PDs to review previous years’ rotations and decide if/how they will look in the next year.
- Office of Resident Wellness presented an update on changes coming in 2018: Two members will join the ORW – Associate Director and a Counsellor will begin in January. This will reduce the wait times that trainees are currently experiencing. Wellness office has been very busy with over 1200 visits in 2016 alone – a report on 2017 results will come out later in 2018.
October 27, 2017
At our October 27, 2017 PGMEAC meeting, the following was discussed:
- 2018-19 Rotation Block Dates were discussed with concern from the group about the Tuesday start. An email will be sent to solicit a vote from members who were absent at the meeting on whether to go back to the Monday start in the 2018/19 year and moving forward. Those present all agreed to go back to a Monday rotation block start. An update will be provided at the November meeting.
- In follow up to Dean Trevor Young’s attendance at the last meeting to discuss unmatched students, this issue is still being monitored and a UofT Task Force is meeting regularly to address the situation with a resolution.
- Resident Report provided an update that their first PARO Teaching to Teach Workshop that was held at ICRE in October was a success. This half-day workshop is available to all residents and programs in Ontario upon request.
- Postgraduate Administrators Advisory Committee (PAAC) provided an update on the increased value from attending ICRE – the workshops and plenaries about CBD were very informative. The committee has received an increased interest from PAs to join the committee. There is consideration of presenting on the PAAC at next year’s ICRE and will be discussed at their next meeting.
- PG Deans meeting decided on which programs will move forward with a CBD Cohort 2 launch in 2018, they are: Medical Oncology, Surgical Foundations, Emergency Medicine, Forensic Pathology, Urology and Nephrology
- BPEA membership has been formed and the first meeting will be held in November.
- CBME has created a national document on Clarifying Myths, which will be posted on the Royal College website and our PGME website shortly.
- PG Trainee Health and Safety Guidelines were presented for approval with revisions and input from the members and PARO. The following changes have be made: (a) Revisions to comply with new RCPSC General Standards of Accreditation for Institutions with Residency Programs will be implemented now even though they don’t officially launch until July 2019 as they are improvements that can be implemented currently. (b) PGME will be organizing Best Practice workshops for PDs on how to best orientate residents on safety, and how to create specialty specific tools to help and guide programs produce these documents.(c) Editorial revisions re PARO (new spelling) and updated reference links. (d) Change the wording to be consistent on addressing resident fatigue to reflect consistency in reporting mechanisms and collaboration on shared responsibility. The guidelines with these revisions will be sent to the group for approval and then submitted to HUEC for final approval.
- PGCorED Satisfaction survey results were presented. Program specific reports will be sent later in the year. All PDs can access their program summaries online. Reports accessed from the site are in real time, reflecting the most current PGCorEd module completion information. To access the site, please email for instructions.